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Code Generation for JSFFI/JSADDLE #3



Hi I am studying the code generation - in order to make function calls safe - where necessary.
This ticket is a follow up - to provide a PR for ghcjs/ghcjs-dom#78
I have had a look at the idl-files in webkitgtk-2.17.2, as well as some of hdirect-0.21.

To make the unsafe foreign function calls safe - I guess one would have to modify

701:           H.HsForeignImport nullLoc (if promise then "javascript interruptible" else "javascript") H.HsUnsafe jsimpl (H.HsIdent defop) tpsig
952:           H.HsForeignImport nullLoc (if promise then "javascript interruptible" else "javascript") H.HsUnsafe jsimpl (H.HsIdent defop) tpsig

(maybe a few more) and change the H.HsUnsafe - dependently if there are *MayThrowException annotations in the idl-files, which are used to genereate the Haskell bindings.

Status of DOMCONV

If I understood correctly there is


889:    constructorRaises | I.ExtAttr (I.Id "ConstructorRaisesException") [] `elem` at = [I.Raises ["RaisesException"]]


879:    constructorRaises | I.ExtAttr (I.Id "ConstructorRaisesException") [] `elem` at = [I.Raises ["RaisesException"]]

and in the syntax/parser files

556:getter_decl :: { (Id, [Param], [Raises], Maybe Context)  }
562:setter_decl :: { (Id, [Param], [Raises], Maybe Context)  }
568:deleter_decl :: { (Id, [Param], [Raises], Maybe Context)  }
616:raises_expr :: { Raises }
617:   : RAISES '(' scoped_name_list ')' { Raises (reverse $3) }
618:   | GETTER RAISES '(' scoped_name_list ')' { GetRaises (reverse $4) }
619:   | SETTER RAISES '(' scoped_name_list ')' { SetRaises (reverse $4) }
621:raises_exprs :: { [Raises] }

30: | Attribute  [Id] Bool Type [Raises] [ExtAttribute]
31: | DictionaryAttribute  [Id] Bool Type [Raises] [ExtAttribute]
32: | Operation  Id Type {-[Param]-} [Raises] (Maybe Context) [ExtAttribute]
139:data Raises = GetRaises [Name] | SetRaises [Name] | Raises [Name] deriving ( Eq, Ord, Show )
140:getterRaises = filter isGet
142:        isGet (SetRaises _) = False
144:setterRaises = filter isSet
146:        isSet (GetRaises _) = False

63:        | HappyAbsSyn80 (Maybe Raises)

that relate to exception parsing.

But I do not understand which parts in the idl-files they resemble - I tried to > ack "ConstructorRaisesException" in the webkit-2.17.2 directory (ack) without any results.

Status of IDL-Files

On the other hand searching for MayThrowException which can be found in for example in Websocket.idl.

    [SetterMayThrowException] attribute DOMString binaryType;

    [MayThrowException] void send(ArrayBuffer data);
    [MayThrowException] void send(ArrayBufferView data);
    [MayThrowException] void send(Blob data);
    [MayThrowException] void send(USVString data);

    [MayThrowException] void close(optional [Clamp] unsigned short code, optional DOMString reason);

There is yields no result in the domconv-webkit files.

The only idl files where I found "ConstructorRaisesException - is some ancient webkit repository of adobe adobe/webkit from 2012.


  • Could you give me some info how to modify the parsers to incude the MayThrowException?
  • What are the RaisesException statements in the existing parsers for?



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