Problem with XML literals #20
I love the simplicity of the XML literal syntax evaluating to simple constructor calls, and to get a feel for it, I decided to write some basic parser combinators - I figure it would be really awesome to compose grammars out of XML literals.
You can see here what I got so far:
def test {
var parser =
<Match value="hello"/>
class Result {
var input string
var offset int
def isSuccess bool {
return false
def isFailure bool {
return false
class Success : Result {
over isSuccess bool {
return true
class Failure : Result {
over isFailure bool {
return true
class Parser {
def parse(input string) Result
class Combinator : Parser {
var children List<Parser> = []
# The compiler uses this function to append children
def <>...</>(child Parser) {
class Match : Parser {
var value string
over parse(input string) Result {
if input == value {
return, 0)
} else {
return, 0)
var m ="hello")
@import {
const console dynamic
It doesn't work quite the way I was expecting though - it seems there's a limitation that all constructors must have an empty list of arguments?
Actually, at first, I thought that attributes were being mapped to constructor arguments - that attribute-names were kind of like "named arguments" to the constructor, but they're actually properties being set after the construction of the object instance.
The problem is that many objects (such as simple string-matcher like in my example) can't have any meaningful empty constructor - a string-matcher that doesn't know what it's supposed to match isn't a valid string-matcher, so this design kind of forces me to initialize objects in an invalid state.
Wouldn't it make more sense for attributes to actually be "named arguments" in a sense, mapping against argument-names in the constructor, so that the values would be evaluated prior to constructing the objects, so they can be initialized in a valid state?