I just found a bug when starting the container with an already configured slapd and prepopulated database e.g. by running the container with this command on pre-existing etc
and lib
docker run -d -p 389:389 --name ldap -v $PWD/etc:/etc/ldap -v $PWD/lib:/var/lib/ldap dinkel/openldap
docker ps -a
returns this line for the started container (exit status 1
77b130e80a2c dinkel/openldap "/ sl..." 18 seconds ago Exited (1) 18 seconds ago ldap
docker logs ldap
returns nothing.
By debugging the
shell script does exit at line 100:
slapd_configs_in_env=`env | grep 'SLAPD_'`
Due to setting set -e
in line 8 and due to the fact that grep exits with a non-zero exit status when it does not find the search pattern, the script exits prematurely and does not proceed to the call of exec
As a fix I suggest appending true
to the subshell expression in line 100 like this:
slapd_configs_in_env=`env | grep 'SLAPD_' | true`
I will prepare a PR shortly for this. Edit: I saw there is already PR #18 which addresses this issue.