I have a form with:
$form->addText('name', 'name');
When the form is processed, I have:
if ...
$form['name']->addError($this->translator->translate('myError', ['errorType' => 'something']));
my admin.en.neon:
myError: "This is %errorType%."
<div n:foreach="$form['name']->errors as $error">{$error}</div>
This "constellation" returns: "This is %errorType%."
BUT when I change
$form['name']->addError($this->translator->translate('myError', ['errorType' => 'something']));
$form['name']->addError($this->translator->translate('admin.forms.myError', ['errorType' => 'something']));
it returns: "This is something."
So it translates even without full path, but it does not replace the parameters. When full path is provided, it replace the parameter correctly.
Maybe, there should be always full path (admin.forms.myError) in translate method, but why it translate it even without the full path, but does not replace the parameters?
(maybe there can be used {translator ...} tag somewhere in the latte file, but I am not sure how exactly it affect this)