the current implementation of default service returns a 404:
[2024-04-18 10:39:44][beacon-locator.amazonka][Info][14c503cab06d][PID 1][ThreadId 19] [Client Response] {
status = 404 Not Found
headers = x-amzn-requestid: 81b0faa1-aca7-4b91-a44f-7b066609e2f5; content-type: application/x-amz-json-1.0; content-length: 63; date: Thu, 18 Apr 2024 10:39:43 GMT
[2024-04-18 10:39:44][beacon-locator.amazonka][Debug][14c503cab06d][PID 1][ThreadId 19] [Raw Response Body] {
[2024-04-18 10:39:44][beacon-locator.amazonka][Error][14c503cab06d][PID 1][ThreadId 19] [ServiceError] {
service = TimeStreamQuery
status = 404 Not Found
code = UnknownOperation
message = Nothing
request-id = Just 81b0faa1-aca7-4b91-a44f-7b066609e2f5
It should be changed to:
defaultService =
{ Core.endpointPrefix = "query-cell1.timestream",
you can verify this by running describe endpoints:
aws timestream-query describe-endpoints --region eu-west-1
"Endpoints": [
"Address": "",
"CachePeriodInMinutes": 1440
to work around this issue is kinda difficult because by defeault the prefix field get's ignored by the instances,
you've to also override the endpoint generation function:
setEndpoint :: Service -> Service
setEndpoint y = let z = y{
endpointPrefix = "query-cell1.timestream",
endpoint = Core.defaultEndpoint z
in z
which you now can use to modify your enviroment:
envMod :: Env -> Env
envMod x = x{overrides = setEndpoint}
main = runResourceT $ do
runConduit $
paginate (envMod env) query
.| sinkList
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