Any async io function over trait AsyncSeek
can be turned into a sans-io FSM.
I think that's a fact - just calling future.poll(..)
on a clever object that pauses on seek and read calls is enough to simulate an ArchiveFsm.
So for example async_zip::ZipFileReader can be made into a sync sans-io interface with a wrapper.
Therefore, my open questions are:
- Which paradigm is easier to write in Rust? sans-io or async?1
- Which paradigm is faster to execute? sans-io or async?
- Can we clone the EntryFsm state to remember decompressor state in the middle of 100 GB file with sans-io? 2
- Can we serialize/save the EntryFsm state into JSON and resume it later with sans-io?3
Some answers are already in video fasterthanlime: The case for sans-io
async fn is actually an FSM ↩
DecompressorOxide implements Clone ↩
async_zip ZipFileReader implements Clone, but not Serialize ↩
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