Distro: Kubuntu 18.10
Plasma Version: 5.13.5
KDE Frameworks Version: 5.50.0
QT Version: 5.11.1
Kernel Version: 4.18.0-13-generic
OS Type: 64-bit
i3 Version: 4.15 (NOT i3-gaps)
Processor: i5-4690
Memory: 16 Gig
First, thanks for posting this. I've been going back and forth to your reddit post and this repo for a long time and finally decided to take the plunge because, what the hell it's Christmas!
Everything works pretty well except that the pager widget is displaying the wrong workspaces/desktops.
I have dual monitors and have left i3bar up just since I just got it set up today.
When on workspace 1, my left monitor and primary monitor, the pager displays that I am on workspace 2 and vice versa when I am on workspace 2.
Regardless of whatever other workspace I try to switch to afterward (3-10) it will always display that I have switched to workspace 3 in the pager. i3bar gives the correct workspace number.
Additional information:
It may help to know that if there is a window open and maximized in a workspace the pager widget shows only half of the workspace being used.
To be clear the Mod+# keys work as expected and i3bar reacts correctly. The issue seems to be pager specific.
The only other thing I've noticed and it may be completely unrelated is that when I use firefox or vivaldi to open both browsers crap out and immediately close. I have not noticed this with any other links. I can open another issue for this if you would like. But I haven't yet because I'm unsure if the issue originates with using i3 inside plasma.
I'm not a developer or anything like that but I'll try to see if I can get any more information on these issues. Thanks a lot for the setup, It's pretty awesome minus these setbacks!