I'm arch linux with the 0.16.0 package
I ran astroid --new-config
astroid --new-config
[2023-05-25 16:42:20.814875] [0x00007f7e265ae580] [info] welcome to astroid! - 0.16.0
[2023-05-25 16:42:20.841616] [0x00007f7e265ae580] [info] creating new config..
[2023-05-25 16:42:20.841626] [0x00007f7e265ae580] [debug] HOME: /home/andy
[2023-05-25 16:42:20.841637] [0x00007f7e265ae580] [info] writing default config to: /home/andy/.config/astroid/config
[2023-05-25 16:42:20.841640] [0x00007f7e265ae580] [info] cf: loading: "/home/andy/.config/astroid/config"
[2023-05-25 16:42:20.841821] [0x00007f7e265ae580] [warning] cf: writing back config to: "/home/andy/.config/astroid/config"
If I run notmuch
Notmuch is configured and appears to have a database. Excellent!
trying to run astroid
[2023-05-25 16:44:57.737693] [0x00007f745c812580] [info] welcome to astroid! - 0.16.0
[2023-05-25 16:44:57.756507] [0x00007f745c812580] [debug] HOME: /home/andy
[2023-05-25 16:44:57.756520] [0x00007f745c812580] [info] cf: loading: "/home/andy/.config/astroid/config"
[2023-05-25 16:44:57.756726] [0x00007f745c812580] [info] cf: version: 11
[2023-05-25 16:44:57.756797] [0x00007f745c812580] [debug] cf: check config..
[2023-05-25 16:44:57.756808] [0x00007f745c812580] [warning] cf: missing values in config have been updated with defaults (old version: 11, new: 11)
[16:44:57] [0x00007f745c812580] [M] [debug] log: stdout: yes
[16:44:57] [0x00007f745c812580] [M] [info] log: level: info
[16:44:57] [0x00007f745c812580] [M] [info] date: init.
[16:44:57] [0x00007f745c812580] [M] [info] db path: /home/andy/.local/share/local-mail
[16:44:57] [0x00007f745c812580] [M] [error] db: failed to open database, please check the manual if everything is set up correctly: db: error: no search.exclude_tags defined in notmuch-config
fish: Job 1, 'astroid' terminated by signal SIGSEGV (Address boundary error)
so I go add to the notmuch config
next up
[2023-05-25 16:47:12.395250] [0x00007f0556b01580] [info] welcome to astroid! - 0.16.0
[2023-05-25 16:47:12.414198] [0x00007f0556b01580] [debug] HOME: /home/andy
[2023-05-25 16:47:12.414213] [0x00007f0556b01580] [info] cf: loading: "/home/andy/.config/astroid/config"
[2023-05-25 16:47:12.414438] [0x00007f0556b01580] [info] cf: version: 11
[2023-05-25 16:47:12.414509] [0x00007f0556b01580] [debug] cf: check config..
[2023-05-25 16:47:12.414520] [0x00007f0556b01580] [warning] cf: missing values in config have been updated with defaults (old version: 11, new: 11)
[16:47:12] [0x00007f0556b01580] [M] [debug] log: stdout: yes
[16:47:12] [0x00007f0556b01580] [M] [info] log: level: info
[16:47:12] [0x00007f0556b01580] [M] [info] date: init.
[16:47:12] [0x00007f0556b01580] [M] [info] db path: /home/andy/.local/share/local-mail
[16:47:12] [0x00007f0556b01580] [M] [error] db: failed to open database, please check the manual if everything is set up correctly: db: error: no maildir.maildir_synchronize_flags defined in notmuch-config
fish: Job 1, 'astroid' terminated by signal SIGSEGV (Address boundary error)
so I go add to the notmuch config
[2023-05-25 16:48:08.358743] [0x00007f607c32b580] [info] welcome to astroid! - 0.16.0
[2023-05-25 16:48:08.378232] [0x00007f607c32b580] [debug] HOME: /home/andy
[2023-05-25 16:48:08.378249] [0x00007f607c32b580] [info] cf: loading: "/home/andy/.config/astroid/config"
[2023-05-25 16:48:08.378460] [0x00007f607c32b580] [info] cf: version: 11
[2023-05-25 16:48:08.378534] [0x00007f607c32b580] [debug] cf: check config..
[2023-05-25 16:48:08.378548] [0x00007f607c32b580] [warning] cf: missing values in config have been updated with defaults (old version: 11, new: 11)
[16:48:08] [0x00007f607c32b580] [M] [debug] log: stdout: yes
[16:48:08] [0x00007f607c32b580] [M] [info] log: level: info
[16:48:08] [0x00007f607c32b580] [M] [info] date: init.
[16:48:08] [0x00007f607c32b580] [M] [info] db path: /home/andy/.local/share/local-mail
terminate called after throwing an instance of 'boost::wrapexcept<boost::property_tree::ptree_bad_data>'
what(): conversion of data to type "b" failed
fish: Job 1, 'astroid' terminated by signal SIGABRT (Abort)
I'm trying changing the config, deleting the config. Still can't seem to get past this.
My setup is just having some maildirs in ~/.local/share/local-mail
and a barebones notmuch config
I was imagining just trying out the interface before I go full on with a complicated config. I just want to work offline with a test copy of a maildir.
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