I've been working with the GlitchTip project to identify and resolve an issue affecting my deployment of the GlitchTip platform and my ability to send alert emails through Sendgrid. The Glitchtip platform uses django-anymail to send emails.
In debugging my issue, we identified that Sendgrid requires 'personalisation' and 'substitution' values to be passed as strings, and we have been able to resolve my issue with Glitchtip by casting the specific value passed in from Glitchtip to a string.
However, it is my opinion this fix belongs in anymail (and other middlewares/backends that talk to SendGrid) rather than in the consuming software - that fix being any substitution of personalisation data passed in should be casted to a string before being sent to the SendGrid API.
I recognise of course this is an opinion and welcome your feedback and contribution to our issue!
You can see a draft merge request for the Glitchtip software here: