I have setup rundeck 2.10.8 on linux machine and configured winrm to execute a job on windows machine. If i run a basic command like hostname via Rundeck job it works.
I need to run the job via domain user. I configured krb5.ini, resources.xml for domain user but when i execute the job i get below error:
[overthere-winrm:servername.domain] failed: WinRM Error: Unexpected HTTP response on http://servername.domain:5985/wsman: (401)
Failed: WinRMProtocolError: WinRM Error: Unexpected HTTP response on http://servername.domain:5985/wsman: (401)
Execution failed: 105 in project tesing_windows: [Workflow result: , step failures: {1=Dispatch failed on 1 nodes: [servername.domain: WinRMProtocolError: WinRM Error: Unexpected HTTP response on http://servername.domain:5985/wsman: (401) + {dataContext=MultiDataContextImpl(map={}, base=null)} ]}, Node failures: {servername.domain=[WinRMProtocolError: WinRM Error: Unexpected HTTP response on http://servername.domain:5985/wsman: (401) + {dataContext=MultiDataContextImpl(map={}, base=null)} ]}, status: failed]
Any directions on this will be helpful.