I am posting about retrieving plots of the model resolution in msnoise-tomo. It appears this is done within the script (Lines 464-532). However, these lines cannot be reached because they are under a if False: statement (Line 464) that does not appear to point to a variable being True or False. It also has a module/def that's not imported in (measure.find_contours, line 483) and a variable (pasgrille, line 523) that is not defined. Has this been corrected in any recent versions? or do you have any insight on how this should be corrected?
Also, it appears the lambda parameter input for the matrix H in the second iteration is lambda1, shouldn't it be lambda2 (line 306). This also leads me to ask, is there any built-in way in the MsNoise-tomo package to produce L-curves for the range of smoothing/damping parameter values?