Issue description
Now that it's clear that OpenSSL 1.1 is EOL to everyone (, we need to take care of the remnants of OpenSSL 1.1.
- home-assistant-chip-core @mweinelt [Feature] Update chip-build container for OpenSSL 3 project-chip/connectedhomeip#25688
- osquery @nlewo @RaitoBezarius a91ac78
- Ruby @ajs124
- Viber @SimonBrandner @prtzl
- AWS workspace @dylanmtaylor @mausch
- PHP legacy extension @RaitoBezarius
- PHP's relay package @ostrolucky phpExtensions.relay: 0.6.3 -> 0.6.8 #270128
- Lisp's
@Uthar - paddlepaddle @happysalada
- pcsc-safenet @charles-dyfis-net
- sgx-sdk @blitz sgx-sdk: 2.16 -> 2.21 #254845
- sublimetext4 @PedroHLC @jtojnar Upgrade OpenSSL sublimehq/sublime_text#5984
- runescaper launcher @GRBurst
- quickbms: no maintainer
- wraith @ajs124 @elitak
- kore @JohnMH kore: unpin openssl_1_1 #292644
- wkhtmltopdf-bin @kalbasit @nbr
- mrustc's bootstrap @progval @r-burns
- archiveopteryx @phunehehe archiveopteryx: remove #270449
- bip: no maintainer bip: 0.8.9 -> 0.9.3 #271248
If those dependencies are not migrated one month before 2 months before the next release process starts, I propose to remove them from nixpkgs.