Coroutines (e.g. launch) offer a parameter to specify the CoroutineStart. This is a request to add the same start parameter to the rx migration libraries (kotlinx-coroutines-rx2
and kotlinx-coroutines-rx3
Use case
Consider the following two code examples - one in pure RxJava and one while migrating from RxJava to Coroutines.
Single.just("Rx").subscribe { value -> println(value) }
// Prints Start, Rx, End
RxJava3 + Coroutines
rxSingle { "Coroutine" }.subscribe { value -> println(value) }
// Prints Start, End, Coroutine
While the code looks nearly identical, they behave differently (which itself is fine). However, the current API of e.g. rxSingle does not allow specifying the CoroutineStart parameter. Therefore, it's impossible to achieve the same start / scheduling behavior and makes migration difficult.
Side-note: Using Dispatcher.Confined resolves the timing difference. However, it will also overwrite the Dispatcher and might change the Thread, which is not desired.
The Shape of the API
fun <T : Any> rxSingle(
context: CoroutineContext = EmptyCoroutineContext,
start: CoroutineStart = CoroutineStart.DEFAULT,
block: suspend CoroutineScope.() -> T
): Single<T>
Usage example:
rxSingle(start = CoroutineStart.UNDISPATCHED) { "Coroutine" }.subscribe { value -> println(value) }
// Prints Start, Coroutine, End
(This should also apply to rxObservable, ...)
Prior Art
Under-the-hood, rxSingle und others are currently hard-coded to CoroutineStart.Default. To enable this feature, the parameter just needs to be exposed publicly.