Compose / iOS: NullPointerException on buildingKT-73454
K2: Fix type parameters mapping for typealiases with inner RHSKT-73043
K2 Compiler does not allow references to inner constructors with typealiasesKT-74040
Compilation of inner class usage does not check the visibility of parent class during compilation in different roundsKT-73339
K2: "VerifyError: Bad type on operand stack" because of missing implicit cast on generic field receiver with star projectionKT-72585
K2: Compilation failure when upgrading to Kotlin 2.0.20+: Cannot replace top-level type with star projection: SKT-73399
compile-time JVM codegen failure on a KProperty argument of a KSuspendFunction parameterKT-72725
KMP: Unsupported actualization of inherited java field in expect classKT-73153
K2: Standalone diagnostics on type arguments are not reported
Compose compiler: unexpected stability warnings for classes compiled with 2.0.10b/381407900
Avoid adding Compose annotations on synthetic classes
Cherry-pick the fix for KT-73482 to 2.1.10
Kotlin Js companion is undefined in production buildKT-73130
KJS: Missedbreak
for do/while in generated JS codeKT-58797
Optimize the code generated for objects on JS and Wasm backends
[KLIB Resolve] Don't fail on nonexistent transitive dependencyKT-73951
Workaround for "Partial linkage engine may not patch some discrepancies in IR when compiling Kotlin/Native static caches" in 2.1.10
K/Native: AndroidNativeArm64 linking fails starting from Kotlin 2.1.0
JDK 25: "IllegalArgumentException: 25-ea" with EA builds
"Unable to release compile session, maybe daemon is already down" flakiness
'generatePomFileForMavenPublication' creates pom with dependencies with 'unspecified' version
KMP 2.1.0: Transitive dependency is broken when setting publication groupId
doesn't work anymoreKT-71419
Light bundle KGP IT run against a stable K/N version
KotlinDirectInheritorsProvider: add an option to ignore non-kotlin results
Performance problem in KaFirVisibilityChecker for KaFirPsiJavaClassSymbol
Class reference is not resolvableKT-57733
Analysis API: Use optimizedModuleWithDependenciesScope
s in combined symbol providersKT-72389
K2: False positive "Redundant 'protected' modifier" for protected property inside protected constructor from private or internal classKT-69190
K2: False-positive "redundant private modifier"KT-64984
Analysis API: Support Wasm targetKT-70375
K2: NPE at org.jetbrains.kotlin.analysis.api.fir.symbols.KaFirNamedClassSymbolBase.createPointerKT-71259
K2 evaluator: Invalid smart cast info collecting for Code FragmentsKT-69360
Lack of implicit receiver for the last statement under lambda in scriptsKT-70890
Analysis API: Experiment with weak references to LL FIR/analysis sessions in session cachesKT-70657
Analysis API: Inner types from classes with generics are incorrectly represented by the compiled jarsKT-71055
Suspend calls inside 'analyze()' break the block guaranteesKT-70815
Analysis API: Implement stop-the-world session invalidationKT-69819
K2 IDE: LHS type in callable references is unresolved when it has type arguments and is qualifiedKT-68761
Analysis API: Experiment with limited-size cache inKaFirSessionProvider
Analysis API Standalone: The same class in the same two renamed jars is unresolvedKT-71067
Exceptions from references cancel Find UsagesKT-69535
Redesign 'containingSymbol'KT-71025
K2 IDE: Scopes in "importingScopeContext" have reversed ordering and "indexInTower" valuesKT-67483
K2 IDE: Serializable plugin causes infinite resolve recursion when there is a star import from a class with annotation callKT-69416
K2 IDE / Completion: “No classifier found” on simple value creatingKT-70257
CCE: class kotlin.UInt cannot be cast to class java.lang.NumberKT-70376
K2 IDE / Kotlin Debugger: IAE “Only componentN functions should be cached this way, but got: toString” on evaluating toString() method for value classKT-70264
AA: service registration via XML fails with AbstractMethodError in Lint CLIKT-69950
Analysis API: IntroduceisSubtypeOf(ClassId)
K2: “lazyResolveToPhase(STATUS)
cannot be called from a transformer with a phase STATUS.”KT-67665
K2: contract violation for value class with a constructor parameter with an implicit typeKT-67009
Analysis API: Add abbreviated type tests for type aliases from source modulesKT-69977
KaFirFunctionalType#getAbbreviation is always nullKT-68341
Analysis API: Expanded function types from libraries don't have an abbreviated typeKT-68857
Analysis API: Refactor annotationsKT-70386
Do not filter out overloads from different libraries in dangling filesKT-65552
K2: CANNOT_CHECK_FOR_ERASED in KtTypeCodeFragmentKT-65803
K2: Analysis API: KtFirTypeProvider#getSubstitutedSuperTypes throws an exception in the case of "Wrong number of type arguments"KT-68896
Support VirtualFile binary dependency inputs to Analysis API modulesKT-69395
K2 IDE: incorrect overload selection from binary dependencies in a shared native source setKT-68573
ISE: "Unexpected constant value (kotlin/annotation/AnnotationTarget, CLASS)" at Kt1DescUtilsKt.toKtConstantValue()KT-69576
Analysis API: FIR implementation of "isImplicitReferenceToCompanion" returns false for companion references in implicit invoke operator callsKT-69568
Analysis API: FIR implementation of "isImplicitReferenceToCompanion" returns true for non-companion references in qualified callsKT-69436
Analysis API Platform: EncapsulateLLFirDeclarationModificationService
as an engine serviceKT-63004
K2: Analysis API: Design API for querying declarations generated by compiler plugins (similar to indices)KT-69452
AA FIR: wrong source PSI after compile-time evaluationKT-69598
AA: definitely not-null type at receiver position should be wrapped in parenthesisKT-60484
Analysis API: add support for KtType pointers similar to KtSymbolPointerKT-68884
Analysis API: Rename/deprecate/remove declarations as part of StabilizationKT-69453
AA FIR: miss to handle expected type of lambda with explicit labelKT-69533
Protect implementation parts of Analysis API with opt-in annotations
FirElementBuilder#getFirForNonKtFileElement should iterate a Psi file over and overKT-71224
Analysis API:FirElementFinder.collectDesignationPath
relies on naive iteration through FIR files
Analysis API: Batch inspection causes deadlock inValueWithPostCompute
Analysis API: Querying declared member scope for Java symbols results in exception in some use casesKT-68268
LLSealedInheritorsProvider: reduce scope to kotlin filesKT-69671
TYPES phase contract violation through JavaSymbolProviderKT-70624
Declaration symbols from code fragments are treated as not localKT-70662
NPE: FirLazyBodiesCalculatorKt.calculateLazyBodyForPropertyKT-70859
Do not fail highlighting due to resolution problemsKT-70474
FirLazyResolveContractViolationException from JavaSymbolProviderKT-70323
cannot be called from a transformer with a phase TYPESKT-71567
LLFirCompilerRequiredAnnotationsTargetResolver should calculate annotation arguments on demandKT-71584
treats KtParameter from functional type as non-local
Drop redundant cache from ClassInnerStuffCache
Support value classesKT-71693
Wrong name mangling for JvmField class property and companion property clashKT-71469
KtLightClassForDecompiledDeclaration: missed kotlinOriginKT-70710
Provide light classes for KMP modules in Android LintKT-70548
SLC: text of class object access expression is not the same as raw textKT-70572
SLC: missingisInheritor
implementation for type parameterKT-70491
SLC: inconsistent source PSI of no-arg constructor for all default valuesKT-70458
SLC: missedauxiliaryOriginalElement
for delegated propertyKT-70232
Support a companion object inside value classesKT-70349
:` annotations are missed for light class fieldsKT-68328
Move KtLightClassBase to ULC
K2: resulted FirClass.psi != requested PsiClass from completionKT-69292
K2: Analysis API: A property'sMUST_BE_INITIALIZED
diagnostic is not updated after changingfield
usage in an accessorKT-71468
Drop redundant logic from LLFirJavaFacadeForBinariesKT-71700
Cache result of resolveToCallKT-71520
Analysis API:LLFirNativeForwardDeclarationsSymbolProvider
spends a lot of time in indices
Analysis API: In Standalone mode the order of symbols is unstable
KtClassOrObject should use isLocal from greenStub
should support operatorsKT-69961
should support properties
Analysis API: expose only interfaces/abstract classes for the resolution APIKT-69696
KaSymbolByFirBuilder should filter call-site substitutionsKT-69679
KaDelegatedConstructorCall should have substituted signatureKT-70206
API throws an exception for regular functionsKT-69699
Receiver type is not substituted in the case of conflict declarationsKT-69381
Analysis API: Investigate the viability of currentKaSymbol
K2: ConcurrentModificationException at FirCallCompleter$LambdaAnalyzerImpl.analyzeAndGetLambdaReturnArgumentsKT-70661
Invalid FirDeclarationOrigin ScriptTopLevelDestructuringDeclarationContainerKT-70663
KaFirDestructuringDeclarationSymbol: Failed requirementKT-63490
Analysis API: Accessing the Analysis API should be prohibited during dumb modeKT-63390
K2: Analysis API: add annotations to KtClassInitializerSymbolKT-55124
Design common ancestor for KtValueParameter and KtReceiverParameterSymbolKT-71731
directlyOverridenSymbols/allOverridenSymbols works incorrectly for intersection overrides
Deprecate and remove support for bitcode embedding from the Kotlin Gradle pluginKT-66894
XCFramework task fails when name passed to xcframework DSL is different from framework's nameKT-65675
XCFrameworkTask produces an xcframework with mismatched casing in embedded frameworksKT-69119
xcodeVersion task fails if Xcode isn't installed and apple-specific native targets aren't declared
Improve DX of the variable view during debugging in Chrome/Firefox for Kotlin/WasmKT-70331
Support incremental compilation for the Wasm backendKT-71686
K/Wasm: Add functions to convert between Kotlin and JS array typesKT-68185
[WasmJs] Attach js exception object to JsException
Wasm Artifacts/Resource are being loaded relatively instead of absolutelyKT-71473
K/Wasm: Use--closed-world
and related options for BinaryenKT-72297
[Wasm] Unused associated object class lead to compiler failKT-72156
custom-formatters.js exists in JAR after publishToMavenLocal but not in the published artifact in Maven publicKT-65799
K/Wasm: remove default exports from wasm exportsKT-71800
Wasm compiler: Fix member generation for data classes with an array-type propertyKT-71580
String::toFloat on wasm behaves differently compared to other targetsKT-71523
K/Wasm: cleanup after fix for KT-71474KT-71475
K/Wasm: KClass::qualifiedName returns incorrect result for nested or companion objectsKT-71474
K/Wasm: KProperty*Impl equals work incorrectly for clabbale reference created in different files or modulesKT-61130
K/Wasm: Function signatures may clash with base class internal methods from a friend moduleKT-70820
[Kotlin QG] wasm-validator fails when running compile[...]KotlinWasmJsOptimizeKT-70819
[Kotlin QG] node.js fails when running wasmJs[...]Test KGP tasksKT-70394
Investigate increased wasm binary size after switching stdlib compilation to K2KT-69627
functions from WASM stdlibKT-68509
Fatal: error validating input in compileProductionExecutableKotlinWasmJsOptimize
Kotlin/Native incremental compilation: fail compilation if cache build failedKT-21908
Support 'when' exhaustiveness checking for generic type parameter with sealed class upper boundKT-70679
Kotlin/Native: fill WritableTypeInfo from Swift Export type mappingKT-59798
Builder inference is not working when combined withlet
Cannot use nullable Nothing as reified type parameterKT-71430
Kotlin-to-Java direct actualization implementationKT-68163
Expose supplementary compiler warnings via CLIKT-69321
Swift export: enable auto-linkage of binary dependenciesKT-11526
Improve diagnostics for "X overrides nothing"KT-49710
False positive NO_ELSE_IN_WHEN with nullable type as receiverKT-69729
Support calling super interface Java methods from Kotlin interfaceKT-69508
Improve "Public-API inline function cannot access non-public-API" check for the inline property accessors
FP Kotlin performance degradation (around Cone types hierarchy changes)KT-71159
[K2] OOM on large enum classes with fieldsKT-69718
K2: Check for jvm nullability annotations in fir2ir is slowKT-68417
Native: LLVM 16 inliner is slow on K/N-produced modulesKT-63971
K2: Redundant@ParameterName
in abbreviated type in metadata
JVM IR: NPE on identity equals of boolean true with nullKT-72214
-fpass-plugin (clangFlags) is not applied since Kotlin 2.0.20KT-68933
CompilationException: Back-end: Could not get inlined classKT-72255
Promote jspecify from warning to errorKT-73065
CCE with context receiversKT-61033
K2: implement a diagnostic corresponding to K1's MISSING_BUILT_IN_DECLARATIONKT-72345
K2: Method 'get' without@Override
annotation not calledKT-71260
K2: Internal compiler error in IrFakeOverrideSymbolBase.getOwner when there is no actual for expectKT-72996
false-positive unresolved reference error on an overloaded callable reference in a lambda return position on the left-hand size of an elvis operatorKT-72552
AutoboxingTransformer fails on during linkage on nested lambdas with cinteroped typesKT-71751
K2: Skipping code in last statement of lambdaKT-71121
Kotlin/JS incremental compilation fails with KotlinIllegalArgumentExceptionWithAttachmentsKT-60521
Drop language versions 1.4 and 1.5KT-70461
K2: "Inline class types should have the same representation" caused by value class and smart checkKT-72238
Argument type mismatch in builder inside extension function after ?:KT-70306
K2: Lambdas are unserializable: inferred from Java param? super I
Incorrect optimisation when optimising for loop with UByteKT-68653
Switch latest stable language version in Kotlin project to 2.1KT-71708
False negative UNSUPPORTED for collection literals as trailing return valueKT-72281
K/N: "Failed to wait for cache to be built"KT-72017
Enum property reflection returning null KClassifier property for Enum classes defined inside Kotlin ScriptsKT-69040
PCLA: deal with "deep" calls that can be fully analyzed properlyKT-69920
K2: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: FirNamedArgumentExpressionImpl.replaceConeTypeOrNull() during Space project compilationKT-69549
Try to move callable reference transformation earlier in pipelineKT-63944
Kotlin/Native: Cache flavor selection doesn't respect GC kindKT-71649
K2: Put operator on mutableMap<T?, V>() causes crashes on null keyKT-70667
K2: "Type parameter * has inconsistent bounds" caused by wildcard and where-clauseKT-70562
cannot accept multiple experimental markerKT-69407
K2: Compiler crash (Shouldn't be here) due to unresolved reference in FirProjectionRelationCheckerKT-71508
JAVA_CLASS_INHERITS_KT_PRIVATE_CLASS isn't reported when java class is inherited from an effectively private classKT-72178
K2: "Unexpected FirPlaceholderProjectionImpl" exception when using "_" as key type in EnumMapKT-70407
Error/warning message for@SubclassOptInRequired
-annotated class should provide more contextKT-72302
K2: no error on type operator in annotation parameter default valueKT-58820
OPT_IN_USAGE_ERROR's message text does not account for SubclassOptInRequiredKT-71662
PCLA: a type variable is not fixed on demand to a type containing a not-fixed type variableKT-69739
K2: "KotlinIllegalArgumentExceptionWithAttachments: Unexpected FirPlaceholderProjectionImpl" caused by unresolved referencesKT-72154
Dokka fails withnot array: KClass<out Annotation>
on Kotlin 2.1.20-dev with@SubclassOptInRequired
K2. Compiler crash with FileAnalysisException on incorrect symbol in nesting lambdaKT-72173
K2: simple object names from root package are resolved without imports in non-root packages when used as valuesKT-71480
JAVA_CLASS_INHERITS_KT_PRIVATE_CLASS isn't reported while java object isn't createdKT-71034
Failing compiler/testData/codegen/box/inlineClasses/kt70461.ktKT-71016
K/Wasm: Failing compiler/testData/codegen/box/inlineClasses/kt70461.ktKT-52469
Deprecate reified type parameter instantiating into intersection typesKT-71753
PCLA: false-negative operator ambiguity error on fixing a type variable on demand for an operator assignmentKT-59871
K2: Fix introduced diagnosticsKT-71563
'llegalStateException: Source classes should be created separately before referencing' when actualized through typealias and java direct actualizationKT-64741
Avoid leaking ConeTypeVariable types in diagnostics from PCLAKT-60447
Builder inference fails to infer generic type argument from local classKT-69170
K2: "Unresolved reference" caused by generics and fun interfacesKT-71756
K2 evaluator: broken resolve of private members during debug of Kotlin project itselfKT-68893
Invalid annotation in contract crashes with K2KT-71490
Implement BlackBoxCodegenTestSpecGenerated for K2KT-71551
JVM IR K1: NPE on generating a function imported from an object from another moduleKT-71210
K2/JVM: ClassCastException around Array<Nothing?>KT-71228
K2: "IllegalArgumentException: Failed requirement" caused by lambda parameter and class typeKT-71738
K2: False negative REDECLARATION inside object expressionKT-71701
K2: false positive CAN_BE_VAL with lateinit and non-in-place lambdaKT-68694
K2 IDE / Kotlin Debugger: AE “Unresolved reference: <HIDDEN: samples/gen/classes/enum class/EnumClass.lam is invisible” on evaluating private lambda inside enum entryKT-70970
K2 IDE / Kotlin Debugger: AE “Only assignable IrValues can be set” on calling overloaded inc() operator on interfaceKT-70824
K2: NoSuchFieldException when evaluating private extension propertyKT-70390
K2 IDE / Kotlin Debugger: can't invoke lambda from private class during evaluationKT-68701
K2 IDE / Kotlin Debugger: AE “ERROR_CALL 'Unresolved reference: <HIDDEN: /privateLambda is invisible>#' type=IrErrorType(null)” on evaluating private top-level lambdaKT-68695
K2 IDE / Kotlin Debugger: AE “Unsupported callable reference” on evaluating ::lateinitStr on private lateinit propertyKT-70861
K2 IDE / Kotlin Debugger: can't evaluate Clazz::class call for private classKT-34911
Improve error message for WRONG_ANNOTATION_TARGET: list applicable targetsKT-71601
K2: When with a subject of type dynamic always considered exhaustiveKT-33091
Kotlin/Native: Compiler crashes if an external class is declaredKT-59651
K1/K2: Assertion error on external enum usage attemptKT-69939
Extract a category of internal FIR checkers from supplementary FIR checkersKT-70850
Pull down typeArguments from ConeKotlinType to ConeClassLikeTypeKT-71117
K2: "IllegalArgumentException: No type for StarProjection" with star projection and function typeKT-71251
Native & JS K2: Missing check for callingisInitialized
inside inline funKT-70161
Native: extracting LLVM 16 on Linux makes the compiler print many "Ignoring unknown extended header keyword 'LIBARCHIVE.creationtime'" messagesKT-71215
K2: UB due to the erroneous greening of the red code with multiple delegation with javaKT-59386
Make using -Xuse-k2 compiler flag an errorKT-69756
TypeOfLowering: don't create constant object nodes before inliningKT-66328
K2: implement an error for KT-66324KT-71046
K/N: a separate lowering to convert function reference to IrConstantObjectKT-69223
Drop parallel lowering mode in JVM backendKT-70260
: improve compiler error if a method is presentKT-67739
Improve error message when JDK used in -Xjdk-release has corrupted class filesKT-63964
K2: different naming of classes defined in script in metadataKT-70014
Common inference: introduce rigidTypeMarkerKT-71352
Cannot load script definition class org.gradle.kotlin.dsl.KotlinProjectScriptTemplateKT-63502
Getting java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: javaslang.λ during compilationKT-66316
Kotlin/Native: make@Escapes
annotation required for all external functionsKT-69653
Prohibit exposing types via type parameters' boundsKT-68451
Inconsistent rules of CFA in enum initialization blockKT-70893
K2: Bogus NO_COMPANION_OBJECT on resolve to private qualifierKT-70965
FIR/AA: Initializers for Java annotation arguments mapping capture use-site sessionsKT-63945
K2: Prevent possible diagnostic lossKT-64453
K2: Implement ComposeLikeIr...TestGenerated for K2KT-30424
Confusing error message "modality is different"KT-70846
on specific typesKT-56720
K2: false positive MANY_IMPL_MEMBER_NOT_IMPLEMENTED in case of delegation in diamond inheritanceKT-69937
Define & enforce user-friendly terminology for extended checkersKT-64406
K2: Implement CompileKotlinAgainstJavaTestGenerated for K2KT-69938
Validate sets of default compiler warnings and supplementary compiler warningsKT-68971
Investigate suspicious fragmentation of FIR trees for string literals with interpolationKT-71073
Multi-dollar strings: parser grabs too much if backticks follow a short sequence of '$'KT-71213
Rethrow exceptions in checkers with some useful attachmentsKT-70395
K2: "Captured Type does not have a classifier" caused byout
type and interface hierarchyKT-70133
K2: false negative UNINITIALIZED_VARIABLE when postponed lambda is created before initializationKT-70625
K2: ClassCastException caused by function reference, star projection and invariant type parameterKT-70835
K2: "TYPE_MISMATCH" caused by operator assignmentKT-70366
K2: "KotlinIllegalArgumentExceptionWithAttachments: Failed to find functional supertype for class "KT-68834
Parentheses don't influence calls of any convention operators (except invoke operator) after safe navigation operatorKT-70358
K2: "java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: No type for StarProjection" when using a star projection on a function typeKT-69298
K2: "Initializer type mismatch" caused by elvis operator type inference for nullable typealiasKT-71189
K2: False negative NO_ELSE_IN_WHEN in when over nullable type with!is Nothing?
False positive NO_ELSE_IN_WHEN with nullable type argument as subjectKT-70947
False positive NO_ELSE_IN_WHEN with DNN subject and nullable sealed class upper boundKT-70752
Review diagnostics with whole declaration as rangeKT-71160
K2: Rendering of flexible collection types and arrays is too verboseKT-61227
Definitely non-nullable types cause "Any was expected" for@Nullable
K2: NONE_APPLICABLE instead of more useful "type mismatch" error with overloads and parameter nullability mismatchKT-69829
Missed UNRESOLVED_LABEL for label in returns and loopsKT-61223
JDK 21: new addFirst/addLast and putFirst/putLast methods allow adding nullable value for non-null typesKT-66742
Supertypes with inaccessible type arguments are allowedKT-62906
Type system: consider changing simple type & DNN type relationKT-70104
Update the error message for calling super Java interface methods caseKT-69794
K2: Wrong target is reported for EXPOSED_SUPER_INTERFACE diagnosticKT-70724
False-positive UNINITIALIZED_VARIABLE for inline constructor with late-initialized variablesKT-70749
False-positive UNINITIALIZED_VARIABLE for inline fun with crossinline modifierKT-65805
Migrate builtins serializer to K2KT-71004
FirSignatureEnhancement#enhance mutates attributes on the original functionKT-70813
Questionable behavior for calls on ILT receiversKT-70208
'when' is not exhaustive for expect BooleanKT-69210
Native: tune LLVM optimization pipelineKT-70753
K2: Missing non-null assertion on the return value of try-catch blockKT-70012
EXTENSION_SHADOWED_BY_MEMBER shouldn't be reported for actual declarationsKT-70837
K2. "Expected FirResolvedTypeRef with ConeKotlinType but was FirImplicitTypeRefImplWithoutSource" on incorrect call with extension funKT-66751
Implement a general deprecation of types with inaccessible type argumentsKT-68748
K2: RemoveirFactory
Range for MUST_BE_INITIALIZED shouldn't include property annotationsKT-63294
Do not use duplicated compiler argument names across the codebaseKT-70673
False positive NO_ELSE_IN_WHEN with nullable Boolean as subjectKT-70672
False positive NO_ELSE_IN_WHEN with nullable Enum as subjectKT-69207
Native: use lld when the compiler produces binaries for a Linux targetKT-67696
Native: compiler crashes when loading an LLVM bitcode file of unsupported versionKT-69767
K2: Investigate differences in tests without alias behavior for cyclic expansionKT-70617
K2: ClassCastException caused by Java enum with overriddenname
Non-first invoke operator calls break chained calls of convention operators after safe navigation operatorKT-67772
K2: Metadata misses NoInfer annotation for unsafeCast resultKT-70304
[FIR2IR] Missing@NoInfer
K2: Get rid of special check for unresolved array literals on argument mapping phaseKT-65066
K1 crashes, K2 doesn't report type mismatch on array literal inside nested annotation callKT-49235
Kotlin interface limited to 1000 super typesKT-69991
K2/JVM: Backend crash with functional types and KFunctionsKT-7461
Forbid using projection modifiers inside top-level Array in annotation's value parameterKT-52315
Legacy keywords (header, impl) break enum definitionsKT-69499
Native: aggressive inline of runtime procedures causes compiler crash in debug buildsKT-69737
Native: incompatible target-cpu attributes between runtime and Kotlin codeKT-69911
Unexpected line numbers in default setterKT-61529
K2: Unexpected FirClassLikeSymbol null with -no-jdkKT-69475
K2: No "Name contains illegal characters" for package name with dots insideKT-69484
Native: remove default values forisObjectType
K2: False-negative CONFLICTING_UPPER_BOUNDS onNothing
K2: investigate implicit cast generation in fir2ir vs psi2irKT-70036
[FIR2IR] Fix param name in overridden setterKT-68718
[JVM] Generic function is instantiated with wrong type argumentKT-67983
K2: False negative "Recursive type alias in expansion" at recursive typealiasesKT-70328
stored in the metadata despite the Source retentionKT-70313
K2: Don't addAny
supertype tokotlin.Nothing
compiled from sourcesKT-69982
K2: New errors when executing:kotlin-stdlib:jvmJar
K2: implement a deprecation error for Synchronized, Throws, JvmField on annotation parametersKT-67651
K2: inconsistency in behavior for SAM constructor with flexible typeKT-63857
K2: Extraoperator
modifier in metadataKT-70182
K2: Set upisOperator
flag according to operator naming conventions during building synthetic overrides for Java methodsKT-20798
Implement a deprecation warning for reified modifier on type parameters of type aliasKT-68697
K2 IDE / Kotlin Debugger: NSEE “List is empty.” when method reference is used in some place in codeKT-70157
K2: false positive JAVA_CLASS_INHERITS_KT_PRIVATE_CLASS for a Java private classKT-68702
K2 IDE: AE “SyntheticAccessorLowering should not attempt to modify other files!” on evaluating of supermethods toString() and hashCode()KT-69509
K2 IDE / Kotlin Debugger: exception in lowering ReplaceKFunctionInvokeWithFunctionInvoke when compiling code fragmentKT-66323
K2: Clarify contracts ofConeSubstitutorByMap
K2: False positive "Redundant visibility modifier" with explicitApi()KT-65815
K2: False-positive NO_RETURN_IN_FUNCTION_WITH_BLOCK_BODY with inline function returning Nothing?KT-60508
K2/stdlib: compilation of common code fails if built-in types are provided as platform sourcesKT-70037
K2: Generate IR body forAny
constructor despite that fact it's emptyKT-69870
K2: False positive NO_VALUE_FOR_PARAMETER for override without default but base with default and with enabled KMPKT-69599
K2: Investiage and fix lots ofUNRESOLVED_REFERENCE
during building stdlib native with K2KT-68375
K2: FirPrimaryConstructorSuperTypeChecker fails on generated superclassesKT-58309
Deal with test failures inside FirTypeEnhancementTestGeneratedKT-27112
Implement prohibition of exposing types via type parameters' boundsKT-69831
Add long FastJarFS tests to thenightlyFirCompilerTest
K2: Unintentional behavior caused by InferMoreImplicationsFromBooleanExpressionsKT-59814
K2: Explore whyFirDataFlowAnalyzer
strips away value parameters of non top-level-functionsKT-69069
K2: expect overloads are deprioritized in common codeKT-69511
KJS / K2: False positive IMPLICIT_BOXING_IN_IDENTITY_EQUALS when comparing dynamic with primitiveKT-69500
Native: introduce an option to inline less "ALWAYS_INLINE" runtime proceduresKT-69717
K2: Don't callconeType
extensions onFirResolvedTypeRef
K2/Java: investigate constructor own type parameters enhancementKT-69871
K2 allows modifier keywords onpackage
Frontend: "The label does not denote a loop." error message is used even if the label does denote a loopKT-69768
K2: Investigate differences in tests without alias behavior with typealias to enum entryKT-63846
K2: incorrect type argument inferred for smart cast value of a generic typeKT-69774
Don't report overload resolution ambiguity if extension receiver contains error typeKT-61316
K2: Consider throwing exception when replaceType is called on special FirExpressions with immutable typesKT-69201
Discard expect candidate in overload conflict resolver if there is no actualKT-69557
K2: Investigate failures with enabled assertion inConeResolvedAtom
K2: Make FirTypeProjection sealedKT-68000
Investigate getting container functions in checkersKT-69649
K2: Cleanup various utilities abouttoSymbol
K2: Prepare a test runner for diagnostic tests with type aliases non-expanded automaticallyKT-69390
UNRESOLVED_REFERENCE on call with lambda argument turns whole call redKT-68794
K2 IDE / Kotlin Debugger: ISE “No real overrides for FUN FAKE_OVERRIDE name:privateFun visibility:private modality:FINAL” on calling private function from superclass in debuggerKT-69315
FirJavaGenericVarianceViolationTypeChecker: StackOverflowErrorKT-49962
"Visibility inherited is not allowed in forVisibility" when analyzing broken fileKT-24212
Report "This class shouldn't be used in Kotlin" on calling constructor of Java class with Kotlin analogKT-64195
K2: Consider makeFirAnonymousInitializer. containingDeclarationSymbol
not nullKT-64254
"Projections are not allowed on type arguments of functions and properties": Type-project type arguments of propertiesKT-40533
Error message PROPERTY_WITH_NO_TYPE_NO_INITIALIZER for interface property is not fully correctKT-20014
Improve diagnostics for lateinit property without initializer and type annotationKT-51366
False positive error "Value class cannot extend classes" when extending generic interface with wrong number of type argumentsKT-68277
K2: false positive UNREACHABLE_CODE for non-localreturn
K2: Mapped Java@Target
annotation's vararg argument has swapped type and elementTypeKT-68998
K2: Refactor postponed atomsKT-69288
Native: Apple LLVM 16 fork can't read bitcode with memory attribute produced by upstream LLVM 16KT-67808
K2: Inconsistent properties initialization analysis in init blocks in presence of smartcast on thisKT-69035
K2: Investigate potential removal of FirManglerKT-69473
Missing suspend-conversion for lambda in the last statement of when with expected typeKT-64640
Prevent mutating SequenceCollection methods from JDK 21 be available on read-only collectionsKT-65441
K1: Remove JDK 21 getFirst()/getLast() in (Mutable)List interfacesKT-54792
Store program order of properties inside@kotlin
K2: Fix the TODO about merging values for labels in UnusedChecker
Added the PausableComposition feature flags83c48a0
Decoy support for JS target is removed from Compose compiler
iOS compilation failure: Unresolved reference 'copy'CMP-6842
FAKE_OVERRIDE declarations are not preserved in metadata and should not be marked with annotationsCMP-6788
non-private field compilation warnings (stableprop & ComposableSingletons)CMP-6685
Native/WASM compilation failure on Composable function with value-type arg + returnb/376058538
Fix stack overflow when inferring stability of indirect generic loopb/339322843
Transform @Composable property delegate referencesb/366040842
Replace deep copy in Compose plugin with in-place type mutationb/329477544
Force open / overridden Composable functions to be non-restartable.b/361652128
Disable live literal transform if the corresponding flag is disabledb/325004814
[Compose] Fix infinite recursion in target analysisb/357878245
Disallow open @Composable functions with default params to fix binary compatibility issues.b/338597078
[Compose] Fix target warning messageb/351858979
Fix stability inferencing of interfaces on incremental compilationb/346821372
[Compose] Fix code generation for group optimizationb/339311821
Give warning when stability configuration file is not foundb/346821372
Fixes group generation for if statements when nonSkippingGroupOptimization is enabled.
[Multiplatform Import] Ensure consistency betweenGradleImportProperties
Kotlin-to-Java direct actualization: java annotation element isn't actualizedKT-71597
Kotlin-to-Java direct actualization: it is possible to actualize a function with default parametersKT-71592
Kotlin-to-Java direct actualization: constructor of nested class can't be actualizedKT-71577
Kotlin-to-Java direct actualization: method can be actualized by java static methodKT-69632
K2: Expect actual mismatch on actualization with alias to expect classKT-71817
Actualization of static members is broken for non-JVM platforms
Set the right visibility for synthetic accessors in SyntheticAccessorLowering
Implement an IR validation check that ensures that all IrFields are private on non-JVM backendsKT-69307
Source offsets seem incorrect after IR inliningKT-72884
Internal error in body lowering: IllegalStateException: Can't inline given reference, it should've been loweredKT-71659
IR Inliner fails to inline function expressions due to implicit cast from the 1st phase of inliningKT-69681
IR: Report warnings on exposure of private types in non-private inline functionsKT-72521
Kotlin/Native: java.lang.AssertionError: kfun:androidx.compose.runtime#access$<get-androidx_compose_runtime_ProvidedValue$stable>$p$tComposerKt(){}kotlin.IntKT-72623
Don't generate synthetic accessors in files other than the one being loweredKT-70420
Enable double-inlining in Native & JS backends by defaultKT-67292
Handling assertions before the IR inlinerKT-70423
KLIB: SyntheticAccessorLowering - generate static factory functions instead of synthetic constructorsKT-69565
Don't generate synthetic accessors for private symbols inside local classesKT-69787
Handle clashes of synthetic accessors generated for top-level callablesKT-71137
Generate synthetic accessors for backing fieldsKT-67172
Native & JS: Introduce OuterThisInInlineFunctionsSpecialAccessorLoweringKT-64865
Explicitly generate accessors for private declarations in inline functionsKT-71657
K/JS: Double-inlining causes failures in IC with top-level synthetic accessorsKT-71078
Inline all functions in local classes at the 1st stage of inliningKT-69802
Don't extract local classes from inline functions in double inlining modeKT-66508
IR inliner: Add implicit cast for initializer of temporary variablesKT-66507
IR inliner: Enable implicit casts in all KLib backendsKT-69466
IrInlinedFunctionBlock: Refactor it to make it possible to serialize in KLIBsKT-69317
IR Inlining. Try to place inlined arguments outsideIrInlinedFunctionBlock
Common Native/JS lowering prefix at the 2nd phase of compilationKT-69172
Implement double-inlining for NativeKT-67304
Keep in common prefix: Shared variables + local classes in inline lambdasKT-67170
ArrayConstructorReferenceLowering is missing in NativeKT-70583
Internal error in body lowering: java.lang.IllegalStateException: An attempt to generate an accessor after all accessors have been already added to their containersKT-69700
use sites survive after the inlinerKT-69462
Support dumping IR after inlining in compiler testsKT-70693
IR: replace IrReturnableBlock.inlineFucntion with IrInlinedFunctionBlock.inlineFucntionKT-70763
IR inline: consider storing stub_for_inline as an inlined function for callable referenceKT-69168
Wrap assertion calls before IR inlinerKT-69167
Create intrinsics in stdlib for handling assertions in KLIB-based backendsKT-69169
Expand assertion intrinsics in backend based on CLI parametersKT-69174
Implement the basic Synthetic Accessors Lowering for KLIB-based backends
K2 IDE / Kotlin Debugger: InterpreterError “Unsupported number of arguments for invocation as builtin function: INT_MAX_POWER_OF_TWO” during evaluation
Report warning on cross-file IrGetField operations generated by compiler pluginsKT-68789
Prepare tests for testing visibility (non-)violation in inlined IRKT-71826
stdlib fails to compile with-Xserialize-ir=all
IR: remove ability to apply compiler plugins during KAPT stub generation phaseKT-67752
Make copyRemappedTypeArgumentsFrom and transformValueArguments methods in DeepCopyIrTreeWithSymbols protected instead of privateKT-68151
Setup testing visibility of referenced declarations in IRKT-68988
[Tests] Streamline the order of irFiles in IR- and Kotlin-like dumpsKT-65773
Auto generate IR implementation classesKT-70330
Automatically keep track of IrValueParameter.indexKT-68495
Compile-time failure on bounded generic value used in a contains-check with rangeKT-68974
Validate scopes of IrValueParameters in IrValidator
K/JS: Generate arrows in ES6 mode instead of anonymous functionsKT-70283
KJS / ES6: Don't generate bind(this) calls for anonymous functions that capturethis
KJS: toString() method and string interpolation of variable produce different codeKT-70533
KJS: changed string concatenation behavior in 2.0KT-14013
JS toString produces different result for nullable/non-nullable ref to the same arrayKT-72732
KJS / ES6: "SyntaxError: 'super' keyword unexpected here" with enabled-Xir-generate-inline-anonymous-functions
and disabled arrow functionsKT-69408
[JS] Enable insertAdditionalImplicitCasts=true (as in other KLIB-based backends)KT-71821
K/JS tests are failing with coroutines flow and turbine on timeoutKT-31799
Allow non-identifier characters in Kotlin/JS (backquoted properties,@JsName
Coroutine is not intercepted, when the coroutine is started callingstartCoroutineUninterceptedOrReturn
using callable referenceKT-70117
Generate debug info for code fromjs
ES generator-based coroutines rely on evalKT-67452
K2: Consider hiding dynamic type creation under FlexibleTypeFactory for JS onlyKT-70226
Delete JS tests that were only run with the legacy JS backendKT-71338
K/JS: Add a flag for switching generating arrow functions on & offKT-69173
Implement double-inlining for JSKT-67327
JS: Remove error toleranceKT-69892
Array.isArray() returns false for an instance returned by KtList.asReadonlyArrayView()KT-70231
Delete the org.jetbrains.kotlin.cli.js.dce.K2JSDce classKT-69928
KJS: keys() and values() of KtMap's JS view don't behave as expectedKT-70707
KJS: asJsReadonlyMapView does not implement ReadonlyMap correctlyKT-71220
Fix invalid IrFunctionReference creation in InnerClassConstructorCallsLoweringKT-70393
Investigate failing JS test after switch stdlib compilation to K2KT-64429
K2: Implement KlibJsIrTextTestCaseGenerated for K2KT-69587
[Tests] Fix multi-module deserialization in JS irText testsKT-70219
Delete the org.jetbrains.kotlin.cli.js.K2JSCompiler classKT-70221
Rename org.jetbrains.kotlin.cli.js.K2JsIrCompiler to K2JSCompilerKT-70229
Remove test classes related to the legacy JS backendKT-70359
Remove legacy backend-related test directives from Kotlin/JS testsKT-70362
Clean up Gradle tasks for running JS tests against the legacy JS backendKT-66181
Reorganize JsCodeOutliningLowering and keep it before the IR inlinerKT-30016
JS BE does not generate special bridge methodsKT-68975
KJS: Investigate callingjs(...)
from inline functions
AS KMP plugin: ios application can't start for 2024.2.1
[KLIB Resolve] Don't skip libraries that happen to have the sameunique_name
Compiler (JS, Wasm): warn about incompatible Kotlin stdlib/compiler pair
[KLIB Resolve] Don't allow working with KLIB "repositories"KT-72965
Ignore subclassOptInRequired constructor warningKT-68792
Bump KLIB ABI version in 2.1KT-67474
K2: Missing@ExtensionFunctionType
in metadata in KLIBsKT-71633
[2.1.0] Suspicious "Argument type mismatch" errorKT-70146
[KLIB Resolve] Don't fail on nonexistent transitive dependencyKT-71455
[KLIB Resolve] Forbid passing KLIB unique names via CLIKT-67448
[KLIB Resolve] Deprecate passing KLIB unique names via CLIKT-67450
[KLIB Resolve] Kotlin/Native: Only one implicit repository should remain for the compiler ("dist")KT-70285
Warning about incompatible stdlib (JS/Wasm) is not reported if stdlib is unpackedKT-66218
Clean-up the code for serialization & deserialization of DFGs to & from KLIBsKT-71414
KotlinLibraryResolver.resolveWithDependencies was evolved in binary incompatible wayKT-68195
move KlibMetadataProtoBuf to frondend-independent module
: ability to require opt-in for interface implementationKT-54458
Preview of non-local break and continueKT-69924
Mention 'if' guard when '&&' is used incorrectlyKT-71222
from SubclassOptInRequiredKT-67675
Allow usage of Array<Nothing?>KT-70754
Changes in typeOf behaviour for Kotlin/NativeKT-58659
Prohibit implementing a var property with an inherited val property
Performance: faster alternative to String.lines()
Review deprecations in stdlib for 2.1KT-69545
Kotlin/Native: Deprecate API marked with FreezingIsDeprecated to errorKT-56076
K2: build Kotlin standard libraryKT-71660
Stabilize experimental API for 2.1KT-54299
Extract org.w3c declarations to separate library from K/Wasm StdlibKT-68027
Document caveats and deincentivise usage of measureTimeMillisKT-71581
Update outdated documentation to common lazy and provide samplesKT-71796
Improve documentation for Path.walk and Path.visitFileTree functionsKT-68019
Fill in missing package descriptions for standard library documentationKT-52181
Native: Inconsistent behaviour of LinkedHashMap#entries on JVM and NativeKT-71570
Document suspend lambda builderKT-65526
Rewrite builtins as expect-actualKT-68502
K2: Fix or suppress stdlib K2 warningsKT-68731
K2: Handle some formally incompatible expect/actual classes in JVM stdlibKT-70378
Implement custom serialization for UuidKT-70005
K/Wasm and K/Native: IntArray.sort - array element access out of boundsKT-66764
kotlinx-benchmark: rework on kotlin-compiler-embeddableKT-69817
Set up klib binary API validation for stdlibKT-68396
Handle some formally incompatible top-level expects/actuals callablesKT-69524
kotlin.uuid.Uuid: checkHyphenAt - error message always specified index 8KT-69327
[native] FloatingPointParser.initialParse works incorrectly for some inputsKT-46785
Get rid of !! after readLine() in the standard library
Native: cannot access class 'objcnames.classes.Protocol'KT-49279
Kotlin/Native: update LLVM from 11.1.0 to 16.0.0KT-61299
Native: patch LLVM to prevent it from using signal handlers incompatibly with JVMKT-69637
Native: our LLVM shouldn't advise submitting bugs to the upstreamKT-64636
kotlin.incremental.native=true causes IrLinkageErrorKT-69142
ObsoleteWorkersApi and FreezingIsDeprecated is not displayed on targets in webdocs
Update the coroutines version used in kotlin-native build infrastructureKT-69479
Native: remove custom python version building from the LLVM builder container imageKT-63214
[K/N] llvm build script fails with MacOSX14.0.sdk sysroot
IllegalStateException for hashCode(): KClass for Objective-C classes is not supported yetKT-59497
KClass.simpleName returns null in ObjC-inherited class
Rebuild platform libraries in 2.1.0 with Xcode 16KT-69448
LLVM 16 clang with Xcode 16 headers: 'sys/cdefs.h' file not found
Kotlin/Native: Use WritableTypeInfo when creating Swift wrapper from the runtimeKT-70568
Native: revert workaround for debug with LLVM 16KT-67730
Native: fix runtime compilation warnings after update to LLVM 16
Native: testRelease_on_unattached_thread sometimes fails with Releasing StableRef with rc 0KT-71401
K/N: CMS barrier can be executed on an unregisterred threadKT-70364
Kotlin/Native: data race during GC initializationKT-68544
[Native] Implement heap dump toolKT-70365
Kotlin/Native: make thread id be pointer size
Swift Export: export class member overridesKT-70442
Swift Export: export class inheritanceKT-68864
Refactor internal details of swift-export-standalone
Swift Export: generate Kotlin<->Swift type mappingKT-70920
Swift Export Nullability: primitive typeKT-71087
Swift Export: Nullability: NeverKT-71086
Swift Export: Nullability: StringsKT-70919
Swift Export Nullability: reference typeKT-71026
Swift Export: function overloading with ref types does not workKT-70960
Swift Export nullability: add nullability to sir and printerKT-70063
Swift export generates invalid Swift code for class and function with the same nameKT-70069
Swift export: filter out extension propertiesKT-70068
Swift export: nullable types are not marked as unsupportedKT-69287
Swift Export: support leaking dependenciesKT-69633
Provide interface for multiple module translationKT-69286
[Swift Export][TestInfra] Support translating multiple rootsKT-69376
Property with Any type does not force addition of import
KotlinReflectionInternalError: Inconsistent number of parameters in the descriptor and Java reflection object
Make it possible to suppress warnings globally in compiler (via command-line option)KT-71537
Add JVM target bytecode version 23
K2: Compilation fails if project version has a commaKT-70179
K2: Building a file with kotlin-test-junit without junit does not include annotationsKT-72311
KotlinCliJavaFileManagerImpl caches empty result and broke repeated analysesKT-61745
K2: support light tree in multi-module chunk modeKT-70885
Errors are not reported for wrong arguments in -Xsuppress-warning flag for non-jvm backendsKT-69541
K2: "IllegalArgumentException: Unexpected versionNeededToExtract" on using JAR packaged as ZIP64KT-69434
K2: Kotlin compiler JarFS can't handle large dependencies (>2GB)KT-70959
K2: Support legacy metadata jar format in K2 compilerKT-70337
Obsolete code is not removed after refactoring -JvmEnvironmentConfigurator.registerModuleDependencies
Merge CLITool and CLICompiler classes
Kotlin/Native "You have not specified any compilation arguments. No output has been produced" when no source nor-Xinclude
is passed
Regression in Kotlin 2.1.0: compilation fails when building iOSKT-72824
Kotlin power-assert plugin StringIndexOutOfBoundsExceptionKT-71658
Transform top-level atomic properties to Java boxed atomicsKT-65645
Atomicfu-plugin: compilation hangs on a long string concatenationKT-69038
Power-Assert does not display const valsKT-71525
Setting JvmAbiConfigurationKeys.REMOVE_PRIVATE_CLASSES = true triggers java.util.ConcurrentModificationExceptionKT-41888
IrExpression startOffset and endOffset are inconsistent with raw file textKT-69856
Compose Plugin: IrType.erasedUpperBound throws NullPointerException when evaluating IrScript nodes due to missing targetClassKT-69410
PowerAssert: Cannot find overload of requireNotNull without existing messageKT-66293
Atomicfu-plugin: wrong return types for lowered extension functionsKT-69646
PowerAssert: result of array access operator is unalignedKT-70112
Power Assert: multiline assertion supportKT-70504
[atomicfu-plugin] Incremental compilation fails for atomic extensions on JVMKT-70351
K2 CodeGen API exception triggered by a compose compiler plugin lowering transformer for data class exampleKT-70113
Power Assert: tab supportKT-69806
K2: SOE on nested plugin-like annotation in class annotated with itselfKT-69538
jvm-abi-gen: Remove copy$default if data class constructor is private and ConsistentCopyVisibility is used
on companion object of another@Serializable
Serialization: "You should use ConeClassLookupTagWithFixedSymbol" caused by@Serializable
on local generic class
compileKotlin task reports that daemon has terminated unexpectedlyKT-72530
The daemon has terminated unexpectedly on startup attempt #1 with error code: Unknown
ObjCExport: nullable functional type with reference argumentsKT-71022
ObjCExport: enum c keywords translationKT-71082
ObjCExport: KotlinUnit translated as Function1KT-70781
ObjCExport: classifiers and callables type parameters translationKT-70943
ObjCExport: extension orderKT-70840
ObjCExport: duplicated interfacesKT-70642
ObjCExport: translate collection type arguments as idKT-70546
ObjCExport: method generic parameter is lost and translated as idKT-70329
ObjCExport: translation and forward of super generic typesKT-70263
ObjCExport: generic extension supportKT-69685
ObjCExport: extension translated as not extensionKT-70318
ObjCExport: translate companion typeKT-69252
ObjCExport: Get rid of context receivers from ./native/objcexport-header-generator
Expose supplementary compiler warnings via KGPKT-71603
Introduce KotlinJvmExtension and KotlinAndroidExtensionKT-70383
KotlinJvmFactory registerKaptGenerateStubsTask() function should also request compilation task providerKT-65125
Provide basic support for Swift Export in Kotlin Gradle PluginKT-71602
Introduce KotlinTopLevelExtensionKT-69927
Need ability to pass KotlinJvmCompilerOptions to registerKotlinJvmCompileTask()KT-71227
[Compose] Add PausableComposition feature flag to the Compose Gradle PluginKT-68345
'composeCompiler#stabilityConfigurationFile' doesn't allow setting multiple stability configuration files
Use uncompressed Klibs
Add FUS statistics for new Dokka tasksKT-72495
Warn about kotlin-compiler-embeddable loaded along KGPKT-70543
Gradle: create migration guide for those who are using Kotlin compiler classes indirectly available in buildscriptsKT-69329
Compatibility with Gradle 8.9 releaseKT-71291
Log plugins from the list as Gradle pluginsKT-69255
Deprecate KotlinCompilationOutput#resourcesDirProviderKT-61706
Gradle: remove kotlin-compiler-embeddable from build runtime dependenciesKT-73128
Apply Kotlinlang template for partial HTMLsKT-47897
Official Kotlin Gradle plugin apiKT-58858
Add KDoc documentation for Kotlin Gradle plugin APIKT-73076
Kotlin Gradle Plugin API Reference: adjust settingsKT-72387
KGP 2.1.0-RC-227 changes cause KSP to crash calling produceUnpackedKlibKT-53280
Gradle plugin leaks some compiler related extensions into APIKT-69851
Compatibility with Gradle 8.10 releaseKT-65565
Remove deprecated common platform plugin idKT-69719
Bump minimal supported Gradle version to 7.6.3KT-69721
Bump minimal supported Android Gradle plugin version to 7.3.1KT-66944
Relax host requirements on Kotlin klib compilationKT-72651
Unable to usetarget
for KotlinBaseApiPlugin.createKotlin(Jvm/Android)Extension()KT-72467
kotlin.sourceSets extension not added for KotlinBaseApiPlugin.createKotlinAndroidExtension()KT-72303
KGP 2.1.0-Beta2 broke compatibility with KSPKT-68596
Update KGP deprecations before 2.1KT-67951
Update Compose extension KDocKT-66049
KGP JVM: Publishing isn't compatible with isolated projects and project dependenciesKT-71405
Compose compiler gradle plugin: project.layout.file can't be used as a value of the 'stabilityConfigurationFiles' optionKT-71948
KotlinJvmFactory : get rid of replaces with TODO()KT-72092
Gradle: use packed klib variant as the default when no packaging attribute is presentKT-58956
Offer a shared interface for JVM and Android compilerOptions in Project extensionKT-70251
Gradle: hide compiler symbols in KGPKT-70430
Clean-up obsolete Gradle plugin variants for Gradle versions <7.6KT-69853
Compile against Gradle API 8.10KT-69852
Run Gradle integration tests against Gradle 8.10 releaseKT-65990
values for arguments removed from the DSL after 2.1KT-69331
Run tests against Gradle 8.9 releaseKT-69332
Compile against Gradle 8.9 APIKT-67174
Cleanup old Test DSLKT-71071
BuildFusStatisticsIT.testInvalidFusReportDir test failes on WindowsKT-69585
KGP / Composite Build: "Could not apply withXml() to generated POM" during publishingKT-59769
Many "Unexpected exception happened" warnings during build without internet connection
cinterop fails to build klib for iosArm64 target when iOS simulator SDK isn't installedKT-70500
Remove useLibraries from CocoaPods pluginKT-56947
Replace AFNetworking with a smaller library in tests
K/Wasm: Node.js version per projectKT-71578
KotlinJS. Webpack does not recompile on changes withper-file
[JS, Wasm] Stop collecting information about KLIB IC in Kotlin2JsCompileKT-70621
Move kotlin-test-js-runner out of Kotlin repositoryKT-67442
KJS / Gradle:kotlinStorePackageLock
fails due to OS-dependent lockfile with npm package manager
Add feature flag for Project Isolation and Kotlin MultiplatformKT-70897
Add KotlinBaseApiPlugin.kotlinAndroidExtension
KGP: Test source set may get duplicated KLIBs of different versionsKT-71209
Drop Hierarchy Template diagnostic about used shortcutsKT-69412
's severity from warning to errorKT-70060
KGP: handleHierarchicalStructureFlagsMigration doesn't support project isolationKT-57280
Expose Kotlin Project Structure metadata via consumable configurations instead of accessing all gradle projects directlyKT-64999
Support Project Isolation with Kotlin Native tasks (XCode integration, Cocoapods etc)KT-64998
Granular Metadata Dependencies Transformation is not compatible with Project IsolationKT-70650
GenerateProjectStructureMetadata is not compatible with Project IsolationKT-71675
checkSandboxAndWriteProtection collides with Compose's syncComposeResourcesKT-66461
Promote compiler options DSL for multiplatform projects to stableKT-69323
Don't pass platform dependencies to metadata compilationKT-72454
Revert changes made in KT-69899 i.e. make kotlin.android.buildTypeAttribute.keep = false by default againKT-70380
KMM App failed to consume android binary libKT-71423
Xcode archive missing dSYM files since Kotlin 2.0.20KT-69899
KMP: Publish BuildType by default for android publications with multiple variantsKT-71428
Change deprecation message for KMP target shorcutsKT-58231
Kotlin Gradle Plugin: set deprecation level to Error for KotlinTarget.useDisambiguationClassifierAsSourceSetNamePrefix and overrideDisambiguationClassifierOnIdeImportKT-72068
Distribution for klib cross-compilation is not downloaded during compile tasksKT-70612
Report incompatibility warning when Project Isolation enabled and Included builds are usedKT-71529
Deprecate targetFromPreset API with an errorKT-69614
Deprecate with error ios/tvos/watchos presetsKT-69974
KMP: POM dependency rewriter doesn't work with Included Builds OR dependencySubstitutionKT-69472
Remove IncompatibleAgpVersionTooHighWarning diagnosticKT-64996
Commonize Native Distribution task is not compatible with Project IsolationKT-62911
Export Kotlin Multipaltform Project Coordinates as a secondary variant of apiMetadataElementsKT-70888
Project isolation: Project cannot dynamically look up a property in the parent project at PropertiesProvider.propertiesWithPrefixKT-70688
Move ExperimentalSwiftExportDsl to another packageKT-58298
AndroidAndJavaConsumeMppLibIT maintenance: Convert to new infrastructure and add test for newer AGP versionsKT-68976
K2 IDE: Unresolved FileSystem.SYSTEM from OKIO in shared source sets
KGP: Kotlin/Native with Isolated Projects: kotlinNativeBundleBuildService cannot be changed any futherKT-72366
KGP 2.1.0-Beta2 doesn't downloadkotlin-native-prebuilt
when running DokkaKT-45559
CInteropProcess: Changes to header files are not recognized; Task is still UP-TO-DATEKT-71051
K/N dependencies are re-downloaded multiple times on WindowsKT-71398
kotlinNativeBundleConfiguration should not contain dependencies on unsupported platformsKT-71722
kotlinNativeBundleConfiguration present in JVM-only Gradle projectKT-55832
Support passing errors to Xcode when configuration cache is enabledKT-70690
not possible to build iOS app with Swift Export and Xcode 16KT-65838
Remove project usage from PlatformLibrariesGeneratorKT-70875
KSP1 native tasks fail on configuration phase
IC: "NoSuchFieldError: No instance field". Not tracking changes to Android ViewBinding class
K2: IllegalStateException: Source classes should be created separately before referencingKT-71042
when compiling IntelliJ
K2 KAPT Not picking up use site annontation like K1 KaptKT-69860
K2 kapt: use compiler directly instead of Analysis APIKT-71776
K2 Kapt in 2.1.0-Beta1 fails withe: java.lang.IllegalStateException: FIR symbol "class org.jetbrains.kotlin.fir.symbols.impl.FirValueParameterSymbol" is not supported in constant evaluation
Kapt: check that Kotlin 2.1 language features are ignored correctly by K1 kaptKT-71431
K2KAPT fails on modules without any annotation processorsKT-70600
K2 KAPT: inline reified function has a null signatureKT-70718
Kapt: "error: could not load module " on error type in data class componentKT-69861
Kapt: use IR to obtain line information instead of PSI
Kotlin Scripting REPL doesn't support keyboard shortcuts
K2 / Script: "KotlinReflectionInternalError: Unresolved class:" caused by main.kts script with nested classes and reflectionKT-68545
Using labeledthis
access to implicit receivers fails in scripts
Improve the variable view during debugging in Fleet for Kotlin/WasmKT-71506
[Wasm, IC] FUS report for builds with incremental compilationKT-70100
wasmJs Target Fails to Compile on ARM64 LinuxKT-70367
Update binaryen once we get a release with PR 6793KT-67863
K/Wasm: Remove ChromeWasmGcKT-71360
K/JS & K/Wasm: Upgrade NPM dependenciesKT-70297
Wasm: Incorrect kotlinJsTestRunner version set in Multi-Project Builds with mixed kotlin-stdlibs