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Ted Habermann edited this page Jan 27, 2016 · 12 revisions

Standard codeLists for the ISO TC211 metadata standards are included in two different representations:

CodeLists that were generated by ShapeChange from the UML are available in the directory. These are implemented as GML Dictionaries. In this case each codelist is in a single file (i.e. MD_ProgressCode.xml) and the gml:Dictionary includes a description and an identifier. Each entry is a dictionaryEntry:

<Dictionary xmlns="" xmlns:gml="" xmlns:xsi="" gml:id="MD_ProgressCode"
  xsi:schemaLocation=" null">
  <description>status of the resource</description>
  <identifier codeSpace="">MD_ProgressCode</identifier>
    <Definition gml:id="_12309_18728">
      <description>has been completed</description>
      <identifier codeSpace="">completed</identifier>

Codelists generated as cat:CT_CodelistCatalogue are included in the file and listed in the file In this case, each codelist is implemented as a cat:CT_Codelist with an identifier, a name, a definition, and a description. Each codelist value is implemented as a cat:CT_CodelistValue with an identifier and a definition:

    <cat:CT_Codelist id="MD_ProgressCode">
            <gco:ScopedName codeSpace="">MD_ProgressCode</gco:ScopedName>
            <gco:ScopedName codeSpace="">MD_ProgressCode</gco:ScopedName>
            <gco:CharacterString>status of the resource</gco:CharacterString>
            <gco:CharacterString>status of the resource</gco:CharacterString>
            <cat:CT_CodelistValue id="MD_ProgressCode_completed">
                    <gco:ScopedName codeSpace="">MD_ProgressCode_completed</gco:ScopedName>
                    <gco:CharacterString>has been completed</gco:CharacterString>

The cat:CT_CodelistCatalogue representations of the codelists are also available in the directories for each namespace as xml (i.e. and html (i.e.

Legacy code lists:

Legacy codelists exist in several locations. The Table below shows the status of those codelists. The most recent versions of these codelists have been moved to |\_19139\_Schemas/resources/codelist/ ------------- | ------------- | ------------- ML_gmxCodelists.xml | ML_gmxCodelists.xml (edits made 2012-07-13) gmxCodelists.xml (edits made 2008-09-11) | gmxCodelists.xml (edits made 2008-09-11, 2012-07-13) gmiCodelists.xml (created 2007-07-07, includes all MI_* code lists from ISO 19139-2) | tcCodelists.xml (created 2012-07-13, includes TC_AggregationType)

Codelists that were located at were inadvertently removed in the process of moving new schemas onto the repository. They were replaced with the most up-to-date content from and\_19139\_Schemas/resources/codelist/ on January 27, 2016.