based on discussions with some ISO/TC211 TMG members (@celiasevillasanchez , and others ) it was suggested to develop a suitable citation for both the MLGT and TC211 version of Geolexica.
using related examples developed by @ronaldtse for the "OSGeo Version of Geolexica" i have modified those examples and prepared the following proposals shown below.
ISO 690 citation formats (with other citation formats to be provided later)
a1) Full MLGT dataset (excel file):
ISO. ISO/TC-211 Multi-Lingual Glossary of Terms (MLGT). Release 5.0. ISO/TC-211 Terminology Maintenance Group (TMG) with translations by participating ISO/TC-211 National Body (NB) and liaison members, 2020-06-01. Available at:
b1) ISO/TC-211 Geolexica (online):
ISO. ISO/TC-211 Geolexica -- Online Multi-Lingual Glossary of Terms (MLGT). Release 1.0. ISO/TC-211 Terminology Maintenance Group (TMG) with translations by participating ISO/TC-211 National Body (NB) and liaison members, 2020-06-22. Available at:
i am concerned about the following:
i) there is a difference of release/version numbers... MLGT is a "release" Geolexica is a "version"... is this ok or is this unclear and confusing?
ii) we want to acknowledge the translations by the NBs and liaisons (like PAIGH) but this cannot be done when citing the entire dataset; however in the citation for a single entry would that be possible (to list NB of Spain and PAIGH) or would that be too difficult?
iii) too much complexity and too many variations of citations will surly frustrate users who are likely to either choose the simplest one or worse, ignore it all together...
later we can work out the citation formats for individual terms if you think that is needed? it could get complex if we tried to give credit to the NBs that made the translations?
Citation formats for individual terms:
(example only) to be revised after MLGT/TC211 Geolexica are finalized...
ISO 690: OSGEO. geoid. In: OSGeo Glossary. Version 1.0. OSGeo, 2021-01-22. Concept ID: 129. Available at:
i look forward to your feedback and discussion