The UML for ISO 19165-1:2018 identifies associations form ISO 19115-1:2014 classes to ISI 19165-1 classes
When ISO 19115-1 is reviewed next it would be worthwhile incorporating the
[0..1] association from DS_Series (ISO 19115-1:2014) to GP_BornDigital ISO 19165-1
[0..*] association from DS_Dataset (ISO 19115-1:2014) to GP_ScannedDigitalCopy ISO 19165-1
Alternatively the classes in "Content Information" in the ISO 19156-1 UML could be included in an updated version of ISO 19115-1
GP_BornDigital; GP_ScannedDigitalCopy; <> GP_Digital; GP_MasterFile; and GP_DistributionFile
The "Content Information" in the ISO 19156-1 UML has currently been included in the draft XML schemas using assumed role names (will eventually appear at