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[Bug]: Imports are removed #5086



Describe the bug

Imports are removed when using Sniper Printer and autoImports set to true.

Source code you are trying to analyze/transform

Source code for your Spoon processing

import spoon.Launcher;
import spoon.refactoring.Refactoring;

import java.util.regex.Pattern;

public class App {
  public static void main( final String[] args ) {
    final var outputDir = new File("/tmp/nts-new");
    final var spoon = new Launcher();

    final var env = spoon.getEnvironment();
      () -> new SniperJavaPrettyPrinter( env )
    env.setAutoImports( true );

    spoon.setSourceOutputDirectory( outputDir );

    spoon.addInputResource( "/tmp/nts/app/src/main/java/nts/app" );
    spoon.addInputResource( "/tmp/nts/dvi/src/main/java/nts/dvi" );
    spoon.addInputResource( "/tmp/nts/png/src/main/java/nts/png" );
    spoon.addInputResource( "/tmp/nts/svg/src/main/java/nts/svg" );
    spoon.addInputResource( "/tmp/nts/tex/src/main/java/nts/align" );
    spoon.addInputResource( "/tmp/nts/tex/src/main/java/nts/base" );
    spoon.addInputResource( "/tmp/nts/tex/src/main/java/nts/builder" );
    spoon.addInputResource( "/tmp/nts/tex/src/main/java/nts/command" );
    spoon.addInputResource( "/tmp/nts/tex/src/main/java/nts/hyph" );
    spoon.addInputResource( "/tmp/nts/tex/src/main/java/nts/io" );
    spoon.addInputResource( "/tmp/nts/tex/src/main/java/nts/math" );
    spoon.addInputResource( "/tmp/nts/tex/src/main/java/nts/noad" );
    spoon.addInputResource( "/tmp/nts/tex/src/main/java/nts/node" );
    spoon.addInputResource( "/tmp/nts/tex/src/main/java/nts/render" );
    spoon.addInputResource( "/tmp/nts/tex/src/main/java/nts/tex" );
    spoon.addInputResource( "/tmp/nts/tex/src/main/java/nts/tfm" );
    spoon.addInputResource( "/tmp/nts/tex/src/main/java/nts/typo" );
    spoon.addInputResource( "/tmp/nts/tex/src/test/java/nts/io" );

    final var model = spoon.buildModel();
    final var p = Pattern.compile( "^(?!Kt).*" );

    for( final var clazz : model.getAllTypes() ) {
      final var name = clazz.getSimpleName();
      final var m = p.matcher( name );

      if( m.matches() ) {
        final var newName = "Kt" + name;

        System.out.println( "rename " + name + " to " + newName );
        Refactoring.changeTypeName( clazz, newName );

    if( outputDir.exists() || outputDir.mkdirs() ) {

Actual output

package nts.tfm;/**
 * |IndexMultimap| can store and retrieve |int| values associated to particular |int| key. There can
 * be more values associated to the same key. This class can be replaced by any generic associative
 * container which provides one to many mapping.
public class KtIndexMultimap {

  /** The internal representation of (key, value) pair. */
  protected static class Pair {

    /** The key */
    int key;

    /** The value */
    int val;

     * Makes new |Pair| with given key and value.
     * @param k the key
     * @param v the value
    Pair(int k, int v) {
      key = k;
      val = v;

   * The (key, value) pairs are kept in |Vector| sorted acording the key.

  /** Internal storage of (key, value) pairs */
  private Vector<Pair> data = new Vector<Pair>();

   * The number of (key, value) pairs kept.
   * @return the number of stored pairs.
  protected final int size() {
    return data.size();

   * (key, value) pair at given position.
   * @param i the position of pair to be examined.
   * @return the pair at given position.
  protected final Pair at(int i) {
    return data.elementAt(i);

   * Insert a (key, value) pair at the given position.
   * @param i the pair to be inserted.
   * @param i the position to be inserted to.
  protected final void insert(Pair p, int i) {
    data.insertElementAt(p, i);

   * Searching is implemented by binary search algorithm. If any
   * (key, value) pair withe given key is present in the sorted sequence, it
   * returns the position of one of such pairs. If not it returns the
   * position where a new pair with given key should be inserted to keep the
   * the sequence sorted.

   * Gives the position where a (key, value) pair with given key is stored or where it should be
   * stored if there is no such pair.
   * @param key the key searched for.
   * @return the position.
  protected final int search(int key) {
    int beg = 0;
    int end = size();
    while (beg < end) {
      int med = (beg + end) / 2;
      Pair p = at(med);
      if (key < p.key) end = med;
      else if (key > p.key) beg = med + 1;
      else return med;
    return beg;

   * When adding a new (key, value) pair the position of some pair with
   * given key is found first, then it is inserted after all such pairs
   * (or to founded position if there is none such pair).

   * Adds a new (key, value) pair.
   * @param key the key of the new pair.
   * @param val the value of the new pair.
  public void add(int key, int val) {
    synchronized (data) {
      int pos = search(key);
      while (pos < size() && at(pos).key == key) pos++;
      insert(new Pair(key, val), pos);

   * The class |Enum| is similar to interface |Enumeration| in the sense
   * that it provides methods for geting next value in a sequnce and for
   * testing the availability of the next value. But instead of |Object|s
   * it works with |ints|.

  /** Class |Enum| provides the sequence of all values associated to particular key. */
  public class Enum {

    /** the current position in the sequence of pairs */
    private int pos;

    /** the key for which the values are required */
    private final int key;

     * Makes new |Enum| for given key.
     * @param k the key for which the values are required.
     * The constructor is private so only the enclosing class can
     * instantiate it.
    private Enum(int k) {
      synchronized (data) {
        key = k;
        pos = search(key);
        while (pos > 0 && at(pos - 1).key == key) pos--;

     * Tests if there is another associated value.
     * @return |true| if next value is available, |false| otherwise.
    public final boolean hasMore() {
      return pos < size() && at(pos).key == key;

     * Gives the next value from the sequence of associated values.
     * @return the next value.
    public final int next() {
      return at(pos++).val;

   * Gives the sequence of all keys associated to the given key.
   * @param key the given key.
   * @return the object representing the sequence of associated values.
  public Enum forKey(int key) {
    return new Enum(key);

Expected output

// Copyright 2001 by
// DANTE e.V. and any individual authors listed elsewhere in this file.
// This file is part of the NTS system.
// ------------------------------------
// It may be distributed and/or modified under the
// conditions of the NTS Public License (NTSPL), either version 1.0
// of this license or (at your option) any later version.
// The latest version of this license is in
// and version 1.0 or later is part of all distributions of NTS
// version 1.0-beta or later.
// The list of all files belonging to the NTS distribution is given in
// the file `manifest.txt'.
// Filename: nts/tfm/
// $Id:,v 1999/06/05 04:18:58 ksk Exp $
package nts.tfm;

import java.util.Vector;

 * |IndexMultimap| can store and retrieve |int| values associated to particular |int| key. There can
 * be more values associated to the same key. This class can be replaced by any generic associative
 * container which provides one to many mapping.
public class KtIndexMultimap {

  /** The internal representation of (key, value) pair. */
  protected static class Pair {

    /** The key */
    int key;

    /** The value */
    int val;

     * Makes new |Pair| with given key and value.
     * @param k the key
     * @param v the value
    Pair(int k, int v) {
      key = k;
      val = v;

   * The (key, value) pairs are kept in |Vector| sorted acording the key.

  /** Internal storage of (key, value) pairs */
  private Vector<Pair> data = new Vector<Pair>();

   * The number of (key, value) pairs kept.
   * @return the number of stored pairs.
  protected final int size() {
    return data.size();

   * (key, value) pair at given position.
   * @param i the position of pair to be examined.
   * @return the pair at given position.
  protected final Pair at(int i) {
    return data.elementAt(i);

   * Insert a (key, value) pair at the given position.
   * @param i the pair to be inserted.
   * @param i the position to be inserted to.
  protected final void insert(Pair p, int i) {
    data.insertElementAt(p, i);

   * Searching is implemented by binary search algorithm. If any
   * (key, value) pair withe given key is present in the sorted sequence, it
   * returns the position of one of such pairs. If not it returns the
   * position where a new pair with given key should be inserted to keep the
   * the sequence sorted.

   * Gives the position where a (key, value) pair with given key is stored or where it should be
   * stored if there is no such pair.
   * @param key the key searched for.
   * @return the position.
  protected final int search(int key) {
    int beg = 0;
    int end = size();
    while (beg < end) {
      int med = (beg + end) / 2;
      Pair p = at(med);
      if (key < p.key) end = med;
      else if (key > p.key) beg = med + 1;
      else return med;
    return beg;

   * When adding a new (key, value) pair the position of some pair with
   * given key is found first, then it is inserted after all such pairs
   * (or to founded position if there is none such pair).

   * Adds a new (key, value) pair.
   * @param key the key of the new pair.
   * @param val the value of the new pair.
  public void add(int key, int val) {
    synchronized (data) {
      int pos = search(key);
      while (pos < size() && at(pos).key == key) pos++;
      insert(new Pair(key, val), pos);

   * The class |Enum| is similar to interface |Enumeration| in the sense
   * that it provides methods for geting next value in a sequnce and for
   * testing the availability of the next value. But instead of |Object|s
   * it works with |ints|.

  /** Class |Enum| provides the sequence of all values associated to particular key. */
  public class Enum {

    /** the current position in the sequence of pairs */
    private int pos;

    /** the key for which the values are required */
    private final int key;

     * Makes new |Enum| for given key.
     * @param k the key for which the values are required.
     * The constructor is private so only the enclosing class can
     * instantiate it.
    private Enum(int k) {
      synchronized (data) {
        key = k;
        pos = search(key);
        while (pos > 0 && at(pos - 1).key == key) pos--;

     * Tests if there is another associated value.
     * @return |true| if next value is available, |false| otherwise.
    public final boolean hasMore() {
      return (pos < size() && at(pos).key == key);

     * Gives the next value from the sequence of associated values.
     * @return the next value.
    public final int next() {
      return at(pos++).val;

   * Gives the sequence of all keys associated to the given key.
   * @param key the given key.
   * @return the object representing the sequence of associated values.
  public Enum forKey(int key) {
    return new Enum(key);

Spoon Version


JVM Version


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