I would consider the following behavior to be handled better (or in more flexible way):
If WMS service returns no data (no vector features are in tile's bounds to make a vector tile), it's HTTP response 200 with responseLength = -1 from WMS to GeoWebCache.
In this case a GeoWebCacheException is thrown and GWC returns HTML with an underlying message.
I would like to see the following options to be supported for this scenarios:
- Return HTTP 200 but with no data (no HTML or whatever needed, a message is in log file of GeoServer)
- Return HTTP 400 but with no data (no HTML or whatever needed, a message is in log file of GeoServer)
- Return HTTP XXX but definitely I do not like to expose "http://localhost.8881...." outside... It's internal stuff...
- May be something else.
In the end I am not sure how from HTTP point of view to "represent" such situation (from server to client).
As it's open source, I myself played with a code just to customize response being returned by GWC.. minor improvement.
Any opinions how to make it flexible, probably with some configuration options (for GWC behavior) ?