We've been working on implementing USDT purchases on our machines for quite some time. However, we encountered an issue due to our strategy of buying coins on the exchange when a transaction occurs.
The choice for exchange is Binance and EUR is the fiat currency for trading.
What happens then is we set the parameters as key:secret:EUR and the symbol of the order trying to be placed is USDT/EUR
The binance API returns invalid symbol error due to the pair on binance being EUR/USDT.
We decided to implement our own fix but since the pair is in reverse the pricing of it is also in reverse and instead of a purchase order a sell order needs to be placed.
The rate source when the exchange is binance and the coin is usdt is also tinkered in our implementation.
I'm attaching the compiled class of our own version of the file which fixes those problems.
You can get a better sense of what I'm talking about when you check the code.
Our way of fixing it was with simple if and else statements but I'm sure an even cleaner approach can be taken.