You must be signed in to change notification settings - Fork 125
Commands & Permissions
Most of the permission nodes follow a simple layout:
So, for example, the /ban
command has the permission node ab.ban.perma
and the /tempwarn
command has ab.warn.temp
being ban
and warn
the punishments and temp
and perma
the access level.
Here is a list with all commands and their permissions
Command | Permission |
/kick | ab.kick.use |
/ban | ab.ban.perma |
/tempban | ab.ban.temp |
/ipban | ab.ipban.perma |
/tempipban | ab.ipban.temp |
/mute | ab.mute.perma |
/tempmute | ab.mute.temp |
/warn | ab.warn.perma |
/tempwarn | ab.warn.temp |
/unban | ab.ban.undo |
/unmute | ab.mute.undo |
/unwarn | ab.warn.undo |
/unpunish | ab.all.undo |
/warns (own) | ab.warns.own |
/warns (others) | ab.warns.other |
/check | ab.check |
/check (with ip) | ab.check.ip |
/change-reason | ab.changereason |
/banlist | ab.banlist |
/history | ab.history |
/ab reload | ab.reload |
/ab help | ab.help |
/systemprefs | ab.systemprefs |
If you use this plugin on bungeecord you need to define the permissions in the config.yml of the Bungeecord Server or through a spcial bungeecord permission plugin like LuckPerms.
The problem with bungeecord permissions is that there are not -Perms so a user with ab. won't have access to all commands. But to simplify the setup there is a setting in the AdvancedBan config called "EnableAllPermissionNodes" which allows you to use a .all instead of a .* so if enabled a user with ab.all
will have access to all AdvancedBan commands. (There is another explanation in the config)