Truffle is a world class ethereum development environment.
It can make smart contract develop, compile, test, deploy more easy.
Conflux is a new secure and reliable public blockchain with very high performance and scalability.
Conflux's contract VM is compatible with EVM, so developer can use Solidity develop smart contract for Conflux.
To ease the develop life of Conflux smart contract, we have port truffle to Conflux network -- Conflux-Truffle
's most function and use method is same to Truffle.
Conflux-Truffle install
Install Conflux-Truffle
globally with npm.
$ npm install -g conflux-truffle
After install you will have command cfxtruffle
# show command help message
$ cfxtruffle -h
When developing smart contract, a blockchain client is necessary, in trufflesuite you can choose truffle develop or Ganache. We haven't port ganache to Conflux now. but we provide other options for you:
If you have docker installed or familiar with it you can run a Conflux client with the official confluxchain/conflux-rust docker image.
# pull image
$ docker pull confluxchain/conflux-rust
# fast run a single node local chain
$ docker run -p 12537:12537 --name cfx-node confluxchain/conflux-rust
When this image start up, you will have 10 local gene accounts, each with 1000 CFX, you can directly use them to deploy your contract(The accounts will be automatically unlocked).
Note the default account password is 123456
If you want use this image start a mainnet node, you can use your own Conflux config file, for example.
$ docker run -p 12537:12537 -v $(pwd)/run:/root/run --name cfx-node confluxchain/conflux-rust
The folder on your local machine should include these files: default.toml, log.yaml, throttling.toml The blockchain data will also save to your local folder.
If you start conflux with your own config and want to use it with cfxtruffle, you need manual prepare several account with balance.
conflux rpc account rpc new
- transfer CFX to your new accounts
conflux rpc account rpc unlock --address your-new-address
Then you can go with cfxtruffle.
You can directly download a conflux-rust binary from github release page, or compile it from source code.
When you have the conflux
binary and config template, you are ready to start a local client.
Before kicking off the command, edit these option in your config file:
- set
- set
to empty or comment it out. - set
to your account address - set
Then you can start the client:
./conflux --config defalut.toml
After the client start up, mining_author
will receive the mining reward, you should create several local account with conflux account
# create a new local account, remember to set password to 123456
$ ./conflux account new
# list account
$ ./conflux account list
Then you can transfer some CFX from mining_author
to these accounts. With these local accounts have balance and unlocked then you can start to use cfxtruffle
to develop smart contract.
Recommend use conflux-rust docker
If you are familiar with truffle, then you can just go to use cfxtruffle immediately, If not here is a simple intro to how to use cfxtruffle to develop smart contract.
create a empty project
$ cfxtruffle init
create project from templates -- box
$ mkdir MetaCoin
$ cd MetaCoin
$ cfxtruffle unbox metacoin
A cfxtruffle project will include these folders:
contract compiled stuff(json)contracts
solidity codemigrations
migration scriptstest
testing filetruffle-config.js
config file
cfxtruffle create
Helper to create new contracts, migrations and tests
$ cfxtruffle create contract MetaCoin
$ cfxtruffle create migration MetaCoin
$ cfxtruffle create test MetaCoin
The create command will create files in contracts
, migrations
, test
Notice the automated created migration file's name will include timestamp, you need manual change to the correct sequal number. For detail reason check here
$ cfxtruffle compile
All compiled stuff saved at build
$ cfxtruffle deploy # or cfxtruffle migrate
is a alias to migrate
, truffle use migration
command run contract deploy and migrate.
- Every script in migration folder define a migrate task, if you add a new contract you should add a new migration scripts.
- Every truffle project will have a contract called
which used to save the project's last migration number, this contract have two method:last_completed_migration()
- When cfxtruffle deploy run it will get the last deployed number from chain, will only run new added migration tasks.
cfxtruffle deploy
also provide three paramter (--reset, --from, --to) which can control the migration running rule. For detail explanation check here
cfxtruffle also provide a command that enable us interact with a contract convenient.
$ cfxtruffle console # run console in your project root, it will open a interactive console
# initiate a contract instanse
cfxtruffle(develop)> let instance = await MetaCoin.deployed()
cfxtruffle(develop)> instance
# invoke contract state query method
cfxtruffle(develop)> let balance = await instance.getBalance(accounts[0])
cfxtruffle(develop)> balance.toNumber()
# invoke contract state change method
cfxtruffle(develop)> let result = await instance.sendCoin(accounts[1], 10, {from: accounts[0]})
cfxtruffle(develop)> result
# most truffle commands also available here
cfxtruffle(develop)> compile
cfxtruffle(develop)> networks
# You can also access to `js-conflux-sdk`'s cfx, cfxutil
cfxtruffle(develop)> let balance = await cfx.getBalance("0x-one-address")
cfxtruffle(develop)> cfxutil.unit.fromCFXToDrip(123)
For detail documentation check truffle console and interact with contract.
And for the documentation of js-conflux-sdk
find it here
Truffle comes standard with an automated testing framework (built onto mocha and chai)
Unit test code examples
const MetaCoin = artifacts.require("MetaCoin");
contract('MetaCoin', (accounts) => {
it('should put 10000 MetaCoin in the first account', async () => {
const metaCoinInstance = await MetaCoin.deployed();
const balance = await[0]);
assert.equal(balance.valueOf(), 10000, "10000 wasn't in the first account");
run tests
$ cfxtruffle test
cfxtruffle now support deploy contract to a remote node, the only work to do is set the privateKeys
in truffle-config.
development: {
host: "",
port: 80,
network_id: "*",
type: "conflux",
// the magic field
privateKeys: ["keys1xxxxxx", "keys1xxxxxx"], // you can also directly set one key here: privateKeys: "one key"
- develop
- build
For complete documentation you can check truffle's doc