This is after the merge of #35, so these are real errors.
Some links are gone
*Please Note*: In 2011 and 2012 CalConnect did not produce separate
reports on its Interoperability Test Events as the reports were included
in the newsletter link:minutes[CalConnect _Minutes_], which is no
longer published.
== CALSCH Interoperability Testing
Prior to the formation of CalConnect, the CALSCH Working Group of the IETF
sponsored three interoperability testing events between April 2000 and September
Please see link:interop/interop[CALSCH IOP Tests] for information about those events.
Re-create forms
=== Registration
* link:event-registration-payment/standard-conference-registration-form[Conference Registration]:
Register from one to six people for the CalConnect Conference, with a choice of
payment options.
_Not available for non-members._
* link:event-registration-payment/quick-conference-registration-form[Conference Quick Registration]:
Register one person for the CalConnect Conference and pay immediately via PayPal
or credit card.
_May be used by members and non-members._