Updated review from Libert Brown (on 31 Dec 2017 at 04:41 GMT)
Hey, here is some features I would like to see
- ERC20 tokens support
- Setting gwei price slider
- Importing accounts via private key
- Generate encrypted keystore file via private key and it can be used to access account anywhere
- Eth and tokens transaction history inside app.
- Show estimated fees when sending eth/tokens
- Direct way to stake ethereum based PoSTokens like there should be new tab where it says "Mining" and there it automatically sends 0 amount of particular proof of stake based token to users address without manual interaction
- App should show recommend gwei price taken from ethgasstation and may be give option in settings to automatically use Min gwei price/Recommended gwei price
- Can be used offline like offline MEW, user just has to sign transaction from Internet enabled computer, what a security?
- User and user only control private keys
- Can generate multiple addresses and option to self transfer funds
- Before confirming transaction give overview of what's he's doing and warn that this action is irreversible, no warning if he's self transferring funds
that's it i can think of now. Implement those you like.
Many thanks for reading! Stay blessed.
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